Concept of MA’AL-Overview Block

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Concept of Ma’al fire

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Daniel and Melanie

9 thoughts on “Concept of MA’AL-Overview Block”

  1. Kol Nidre (though you don’t have to wait) is very important; you must release yourselves from all other vow, oaths, allegiances of you and ancestors. Our ancestors all come from nations where pledging allegiance of some sort was required. Our clubs, societies, religious creeds and affirmations.

    So to take away the sancta, Yeshua King of Jews, was that Ma’al? is that why destruction in 70AD? Plus Roman influence had corrupted Jewish Religious Courts?

  2. Kimberli Sinning

    Very good teaching. I am looking forward to learning more in the next two sessions.


  3. Very interesting. I’m examining my own walk and bringing what is lacking into alignment with His word. Looking forward to the rest of the teaching.


  4. This is interesting that you would link Ma’al with the tribulation. The tribulation is also called the time of Jacob’s trouble. Now Jacob I don’t know if he is committing ma’al at this time but I do see that he is waiting to come home. Perhaps the six years of labor and the return home in the 21st year to face Esau? This would be interesting to see the comparisons between the christian tribulation and the time of Jacob’s trouble.

  5. Why does Romans ch.10 state that “he that performs these commandments shall live by them” before going into the matter of the confession that Messiah was raised from the dead? It is because that the promise that he that keeps shall live. It does not shall they shall not die but that they will live. Thus, since He that was with out sin died for us He was then raised by the promise, He that keeps shall live.

  6. Great job bro!

    We need to be especially careful when dealing with oaths because violating them constitutes Ma’al which leads to Divine retribution. Remember we take an oath every day when we say the Sh’ma that YHVH alone is our Elohim and that we will serve Him alone!

    Looking forward to seeing you in a few days and then hearing the rest of the series!

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