Your study of Torah and the Temple begins here

Learn the culture and context of the Bible by accessing hundreds of hours of teachings on many subjects in the Scripture

Your donations help this ministry continue to invest in more resources and grow into new audiences around the world.

What is Wisdom in Torah Ministries?

We are an educational platform to teach and minister to our brothers and sisters in Messiah Yeshua who are interested in studies about different Biblical topics such as Torah, the Temple, the Feast, ancient Near Eastern and Biblical history.


Access hundreds of hours of video and audio content produced by Rico Cortes that will elevate your studies of the Bible to new heights


Rico Cortes travels to locations across the globe teaching groups of believers how to connect better with God and the roots of our ancient faith. 


Join Rico Cortes in the land of Israel as he guides and teaches you on location at some of the most memorable sites in the Bible.


Your donations help this ministry continue to invest in more resources and grow into new audiences around the world.


Yeshiva Courses​

Yeshiva courses offer a deeper level of study into particular areas in Scripture. These are advanced level studies that offer more resources along with quizzes to help with your growth.

Begin Your Studies

Treasures of the Temple Courses

Latest Teachings

All Teachings / Deuteronomy / Torah Portions

Torah Portion Ki-Tetze Complete

Rico Cortes / September 9, 2024
All Teachings / Deuteronomy / Torah Portions

Torah Portion Shoftim Complete

Deuteronomy - 613 / Torah Mitzvots - Series

Shoftim – Mitvot – 2022

All Teachings / Deuteronomy / Torah Portions

Torah Portion Reeh Complete



 “ The insights I have learned from Wisdom in Torah Ministries have helped me understand the Scriptures, our King, His people, and our place in the Kingdom in anew and wonderful light. ”

Tallie Hass
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