Don't Forget to
The Context of the First century writings will be our focus of study in this series. I will show the beliefs and dogmas of each religious groups and its political influences. Also, we will study the core issue in the first century and the hate the house of Shammai displayed against the Goyim.
How many types of Pharisees in the First Century?
The Jerusalem Talmud also criticizes the Pharisees in like manner. The Talmud describes seven types of Pharisees, five of whom are hypocrites, and two that are good:
- The Pharisee "shoulder" exhibited their good works before men as if they carried a badge of honor on your shoulder or chest. Yeshua began his allegations with references to this type of Pharisee (Matt. 23:4).
- The Pharisee "expect to see" someone would ask him to wait a moment to see who could perform some charity.
- The "blind" Pharisee close its eyes to avoid seeing a woman, even if it meant stumbling or bumping against the wall.
- The Pharisee "mortar" walked with his head down to avoid seeing any temptation.
- The Pharisee "counter" was always telling his good deeds to see if countered his evil deeds.
Good Pharisees:
- The "God-fearing" Pharisee, who was a good and virtuous man
- the Pharisee "lover of God", who had a real love of Elohim
The Priestly family:
- AnásBen Seth(6- 15)
- Eleazar Ben Ananus (16- 17)
- Joseph Ben Caifás (18-36/37), married to the daughter of Anás(Juan 18:13 )
- Jonathan Ben Ananus (36- 37)
- Teófilo Ben Ananus (37- 41)
- Matthias Ben Ananus (43)
- Ananus Ben Ananus (63)
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34 thoughts on “First Century Context of the First Century Writings (Complete Series)”
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Eh, it was so so
Just kidding. Much appreciated
Really enjoyed this series!! It’s amazing what CONTEXT does 🙂 Thank you for all the hard work and research you do!
Thank you Rico for opening my understanding. I find it interesting that there were 18 decrees. The number that identifies citizenship with Satan’s kingdom is 666 0r 6+6+6 = 18. The word chata (sin) also has a numerical value of 18 (chet = 8, tet = 9, aleph = 1)
Shalom Rico, my brother in Messiah Yeshua. Great teaching! Outstanding! Fantastic information. Very profitable to myself and will be beneficial to those who I share it with. Pray it will be received.
May Yahweh richly bless you, your family, ministry and staff.
Rich Shade
Must say this has been one of the best teachings (though I enjoy all I get to listen too). Thank you so much.
It has clarified so much for me. I will be better equipped to share Truth with others. Did use some of your info at Shabbat meeting yesterday. Am sure it was beneficial.
Heard you speak at 1st Revive Conference. It was also so eye opening. I still share and encourage others to listen t
y that teaching on the Suzerain (spelling?)
Thank you for doing all the work that we would not have any idea how to do.
YHWH bless you and your family.
Very interested in this topic for obvious reasons and we don’t have the ability to stream teachings to find out what your resources are for this study series. Could you please put a list of all of the study material you are using for this study? Thank you. Shalom in the name of Messiah Y’shua,
Robert & Luz
It seems like all of the chaos and perversion of the 1st century runs parallel with the world today. It’s getting harder and harder to find a congregation that adheres to the true Word as you are teaching.
DeVora Clark