Don't Forget to
In the book of Numbers in chapter 5 you read about the laws of jealousy and the bitter waters. Few believers, however, realized that this chapter has more to do with us now than in the days of old. This teaching will help us get a better understanding of how serious the marriage covenant is to YHVH and speaks to the future judgment for those found guilty of Spiritual Adultery.
This teaching does not discuss Salvation for we are saved by grace through faith, however, it does address obedience to our Covenant with God and the keeping of the Commandments of YHVH. Will the Church suffer thru the Great Tribulation? That question and more will be answered in this teaching.
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24 thoughts on “The Bitter Waters and the Church in the Great Tribulation, (Audio)”
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This teaching is definitely an eye-opener!!!
Thank you Rico! What an incredible teaching- laid out systematically and thoroughly giving a real understanding on very the fundamental basics! Two things: is there a possibility that you might make this available for those who want to share this on social media? (Currently, it doesn’t allow a posting even though it has the tabs), and second, do you sell copies of this audio? This is really one I’d like to have ready to share for those who are really seeking answers.. Thanks!!
Thank you Rico, what a eye opener! So much Truth pack in to such little time, may YAHWEH bless you my friend
Thank you Rico for this vital message.
How do you separate yourself from these pagan days (Sunday, Easter and Christmas) when your spouse will not give them up? When I have lovingly and prayerfully explained that I would like to keep Shabbat and the feasts and the reasons why I think they are important, it has not gone well for me or our children.
Do the bitter waters of judgement fall on the whole family or just the ones who refuse to turn back to the ways of God?
After praying for years and I have seen little if any changes in the right direction. Do you continue to go to church with your spouse because it is the right thing to do. Even when you are unable to barely sit through the ear piercing loud worship music and watered down messages. Seeing Santa sitting in the lobby of your church so kids can have there pictures taken and Easter bunnies on the front lawn. It deeply troubles me and I do not have the freedom to share my concerns about it. How do you separate yourself from this?
Did anyone ever answer you question, I could really benefit from the answer.
Hi Jen
I was in the same situation, but Yah turned it all around, now Mrs is a torah-observant, pray, hope, trust and pray
It’s hard to explain what happens when truth is being revealed to the heart. I found myself weeping again to think of Yah’s love and how beautiful he really is to even want me back after all the sin I did all my life….this was a wonderful message Rico.todah rabah bro
Shalom Rico,
thank you, this is very well explained and we appreciate it. Are the fields not still white and the labourers still few?
I (we) can’t prove anything to anyone, unless they ask, unless they have some curiosity to know. To teach the church??? Has the church asked to be taught? Basically, even in Bereschis, there was not loss of religion but loss of a kingdom, not a loss of a religion.
I like very much Rico’s teaching on kingdom, tabernacles, altar service, and covenant. He’s really got an edge on these subjects.
Wonderful comprehensive study on this subject! It’s the first I’ve heard on this exact topic, and WOW it really brings it all together so well. Much thanks and blessings to you for your diligence to be YHWH’s vessel.