Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the Balak summoning Balaam to curse Israel, the beating of Balaam's donkey, the offerings by Balaam, the three oracular blessings of Balaam over Israel, the end time prophecy against Moab and Midian, and the incident of Ba'al Peor and Pinchas' skewering of Cosbi and Zimri.
One of the focus in the Nugget Portion will be on the last 9 verses of the Torah Portion with the incident at Ba'al Peor. Ba'al worship was relatively new to the Canaanite region and Israel was not prepared to deal with the issue and so they were enticed through their eyes and they stomachs into committing ritual sexual intercourse and eating meat sacrificed to idols, thus coming in covenant with Ba'al; it was only the zeal of Pinchas that spared the entire nation. Where does this leave us today? Are we too supposed to have the zeal of Pinchas and strike down those who are breaking Torah or are living in idolatry? Do we have the LEGAL right? Did Pinchas have the legal mandate? We need to know our role and duty in God's kingdom so that we do not encroach upon the duties which YHVH has assigned to others.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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55 thoughts on “Torah Portion Balak Complete”
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Setting out food for the gods: Milk and cooies for Santa Clase. Eggs for the Ester Bunny
Baruch Yehovah!
My teacher does the tri annual teaching for his specific reasons, I respect his choice. I also for my home private study to the annual; like you said there is continuity between parashas, sometimes we need to go back and review, what was going on, who were the players and yes its important to connect relationships in the characters. This is absolutely the very best teaching I’ve heard so far. Thank you for digging out beyond the printed texts into other types of commentary and ancient understandings. You should get a big reward for this. May YeHovah send it to you speedily!
The book of Job seems very complete from start to finish. Why was ths book included in the TaNaK?
Cursing and cussing: are they realated? or different and how?