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5 thoughts on “Solomon’s Kingdom as Type and Shadow of the Kingdom of Messiah”
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Shalom Brother Rico, Thank you for the wonderful teaching. It is really true, the whole Torah is nothing but shadows and everything to live our lives by. I am not sure but I think I read in the Scrolls of Yashar that Isaac was sent by Abraham to study with Shem after the mountain sacrifice. Please research with all your great tools you have. Thank you again, B’Shem Yahushua.
good job man!
Shabbat Shalom Rabbi,
After saying the blessing of the Shabbat Candles, the Kiddush, and the Challah Mom and I did our Siddur prayers and then listened to this teaching. Thank you so much Adonai for the blessing of Rabbi Rico on Shabbat to teach us Your Word. We thank you Rabbi that you humble both my 79 year old mom and me at age 60, as Jews, that we can ALWAYS learn and continue to appreciate the wisdom downloaded from Adonai to you Rabbi and then to us so that we understand and accept Yeshua as our Savior, Messiah and Mighty Son of Adonai. How abundantly blessed Mom and I are :O)
Baruch HaShem
Margie and Jackie Marinoff
Great study on the type and shadow of King Sholomo kingdom and Messhiah’s kingdom-never would have put the two and two together.
Thank you so much, L’Chiam, Olga
that is great that it was a blessing to you.