Abraham and The Ancient Near Eastern Customs

abraham on camel


My good friends Dustin and Ginger send me this link of the movie which I also have at home but I forgot the scenes that contain ancient near east customs found in the bible. If you do not want to spend the whole 3 hours watching it just go to the times Dustin pointed out for context. Great movie to watch with your children.

Dustin Wrote:

A movie on Abraham.  a TV movie from 1993, I was floored by the nuggets they portrayed and probably did not even realize it. Thought you might get a kick out of it.

Between 7:40 and 11:20 is a covenant renewal w/ oaths & sacrifice. Also, the King sits at what looks to be the entrance to the city.

Between 19:20 and 21:00 they depict the story that Abraham broke apart the idols (in this story they make them of his brother Nahor).

Between 1:42:00 and 1:43:30 is the dialogue between Abraham and the King of Sodom. Again the King is at the entrance to the city.

At 1:50:30 through 1:53:20 is the meeting of Melchizedek and meal of bread & wine.

Right after this, we see Sarai petition Hagar to bear her child. They discuss the legal terms, the birth on the knees, the adoption, the law….crazy bro. They actually depict the birth around 2:06:00.

2:07:30 Abraham instructing a young Ishmael in the principals and method of sacrifice to YHVH, and Ishmael’s hesitation to take its life. He even states that the sacrifice must lie quietly, “accepting the sacrifice.”

At 2:13:00 is the meal with Abraham and the three men, which is really cool. The subtle way in which they reveal who they are to him by calling Abram and Sarai by their new names is good. They even manage to never show the face of the “Father.” Up through 2:18:45 is the negotiation for the righteous.

2:41:20 through 2:43:00 is instructing Isaac in the principal of sacrificing your best.

At 2:48:00 is interesting. They have Abraham making a statement to Elezar that he has disappointed God in the past and will not do so ever again. It appears almost as that night God asks him to sacrifice Isaac. And that is the rest of the movie, The Akeidah. They have a fairly young Isaac, but they do portray him as being willing by saying, “tie me tight father.”

[iframe http://www.youtube.com/embed/QeZpEJq0uCk” frameborder=”0 750 600]





1 thought on “Abraham and The Ancient Near Eastern Customs”

  1. Great! I really enjoyed this. As with all attempts to dramatize the Truth, some things are wither left out or altered, but overall I really enjoyed it!
    Baruch YHVH!

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