Vayetze – Jacob Sees Stairway to Heaven?


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Rico's teaches on the Torah Portion Vayetze in Genesis 28:10–32:3, while focusing in the Stairway that Jacob saw, was it an actual stairway, or a Ziggurat, overall what is it's meaning and importance of this event, in the story of Jacob.




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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

2 thoughts on “Vayetze – Jacob Sees Stairway to Heaven?”

  1. Thank you for the very informative research and sharing the ancient temple site. The inheritance laws clears up the chaos that ensued during that 20 year time frame. Much appreciated.

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