Don't Forget to
Rico Cortes teaches us the meaning of the What is Kedushah? Kedushah is generally translated into English as holy or sanctified - but what is the Biblical context? Namely, what are the specific three things that God refers to as kedushah and why? Our overuse of this vitally important concept has obscured this beautiful Hebraic concept that will challenge and change your life.
The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- More resources coming soon...
5 thoughts on “WIT Talmidim – WHAT IS KEDUSHAH? (HOLINESS)”
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Ricco the teaching is excellant.
Thank you so much and I did miss you comment for a while. How are you?
Does Nidah and men’s purity have anything to do with people in exile, except for their own home practice, your fellowships are not the named as HOly, as the Holy Temple. We are all in a condition of shame right? as we are in exile. We can learn and practice, but be very careful what you impose on people.
Thanks for posting this. The information presented inspires further study.
Thank you so much for this teaching, (and all of them).
May you all be blessed.