The Concept of Ma’al Part 3- “OATH VIOLATION”


Today we will finish up the series on understanding the Concept of Ma’al  (trespass) in its proper context of the Ancient Near East in Scripture. This 3rd and final video deals with the second Category of “OATH VIOLATION”.Concept of Ma’al Pt 3  Ladies and Gentlemen my desire in this teaching is to share my heart and encourage all of us to please make the stand for YHWH OUR Suzerain, please make the stand for OUR Vassal King Yeshua the Messiah, please make the stand for OUR Covenant, OUR People and OUR Land. I pray that once we realize that these concepts are  found in history and Scripture, we will see the severity of our actions today and begin to focus more on repentance and being the Ambassadors of the KING.




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Part 1 Link

Part 2 Link

10 thoughts on “The Concept of Ma’al Part 3- “OATH VIOLATION””

  1. Daniel, that was awesome! I needed to hear this message, actually all three. I don’t know how I missed them, must have just gone through all three and Thank You. I know your heart and I understand what you are calling out. There is way too much bickering, and I know it from first hand experience. Yes, I am fairly new, as I have not yet completed three cycles of Torah, but I am a completely different person. And I have been able to share with about 15 others who have “seen the light” and converted their hearts and minds. We are doing the best we know how, with the teachings from you Ryan and Rico. My desire also is to be a pleasing vessel for the Messiah, that He will lead and guide me in His Word, and that I will keep humble before Him.
    Thanks again for your heart and passion.
    B’Shem Yahsuah HaMashiac,

  2. Thank you very much much for sharing this! It was very eye opening and convicting. YHVH bless you, Shalom!

  3. Please check and see if this is correct: It is true that Yah is the short form of YHVH. We do see it in scripture both in prophets and the tehillim. However, I think it is used only in the poetic litterary style of Israel. The poetic style is concernmed most with meter (rythum) of the words not rhyme. Most likely because Israeliste did lots of walking, the priest walked a certain way up the steps. It is not a short form as is the name Tom is short form of Thomas. Seems more honoring that we used the whole of the name not short form. The psalms were sung; there was rythum; that’s the only reason it would be shortened.


  4. A vassal king is the exact representation of the Suzerain King, if you’ve seen the father; you have seen me. Vassal king only speaks the words, commands, decrees and judgments of the Suzerain King. They are not lesser nor greater than one another they are echad, ONE. Yeshua did the Works of His FAther, Spoke His Fathers words. The annointed King (Messiah) is Yeshua.

  5. You know what?
    Peter said he would never deny Yahshua.
    And guess what?
    He did.
    Why did you go on about leaders in the Messianic Movement (I assume) who are now saying Yahshua is not the Messiah and not even tell us who you are talking about? How can I check out everything you say if I don’t know who is supposedly saying whatever?
    Parts 1 and 2 were edifying and thank you for that.

    1. Ruth,
      Shalom. My intent on discussing “people” denying Yeshua was because it is in context of maal. It is not the purpose to call out any leaders but address the issue in the proper context. We must learn the severity of our actions, including myself. Again, I am addressing the topic as it is in context of trespass against Elohim.

    2. Daniel has given a lot of Scriptural references regarding the subject laying so heavy on his heart. I think Heb 6:2 especially is what he is probably very perturbed about and he is only warning us to be vigilant.

  6. Cristina Monaghan

    You cannot imagine just how timely and how grateful I am that you brought this……I appreciate this……it is my prayer……that Abba uses it to change me……..creating in me a clean heart….. Thank you……….

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