Don't Forget to
This portion is important retelling of the wondering in wilderness by the children of Israel. Also, I cover the concepts of Teshuvah in the explanation of the Haftarah of Consolation for the next 7 weeks before Yom Teruah. Understanding this principles will teach us as a Kingdom in the dispersion how to come together as one people, one heart, one mind, one consent. I pray this Torah Portion is a blessing to you and continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
We will deal with the legal aspects of the book of Deuteronomy. In this portion we will introduce the different sections of the book of Deuteronomy from a covenant perspective. Connecting the Biblical account with archaeological evidence from the Ancient Near East that puts Moses in a real timeline in History. This evidence will help us understand this book from a different viewpoint than previously studied.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- Deuteronomy article by Joshua Berman
- Power point for this Study: YHVH OUR SUZERAIN-2
- PDF for the Torah Nugget: Study for Torah Nugget Devarim
- Devarim 2020 Notes.pdf
66 thoughts on “Torah Portion Devarim Complete”
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So, YHVH is still here with us, He operates through His covenant or current in’t law? UN???
How are we to compare today’s Israel with ancient Israel – today’s Israel is not operating it’s gov’t through the Covenant. Is working in democracy. Western form of gov’t. Is there a covenant if it’s not being referenced and used for governance. A King, terroritory, military, land and a people is a kingdom.
So, in Isalm they say allah has no son, do we know where they obtained their “gov’t structure?
Shalom. I thank you for this teaching. I look forward to a kosher Beit Din. I wonder when the 9th of Av is because my calendar says that it is Thursday this year!
DeVora Clark
Ricco and friends/ why in the world would you let someone Marganit, type something slanderous, Brac Scott is anti semitic???? and allow it to stand on this comment area???? This is not right.
To Marginat>
I think that is a very serious matter to accuse anyone (s) of being anti semitic. What is the evidence that Brad Scout is anti sematic???? You must have clear evidence, that you can hold in your hands, with two-threee witnesses to lay such a serious accusation.
This is a matter that you should speak to Mr. Scout in private about. This is close to slander – if you cannot prove as stated above; the case of anti semitis – then the punishment that would have been for him; comes to you.
Bees pollinate and make honey. Honey is symbolic of the Word of God because it is incorruptible like the Living Word Yeshua/Jesus. The Land that God promised to Abraham’s descendants would be full of milk and honey. The “natural” speaks in the “supernatural.” The milk and honey in the spiritual represents the Promised Land that is full of the pure, sweet Truth. Israel is a Promised Land based on the Abrahamic Covenant of faith through willing obedience and love for God, not through demand and Law. It is a Promised Land not a “law land.” Love is God’s motivation. It is to be our motivation. The Law is demanding, but love is given from the heart. The Abrahamic Covenant was given because of willing obedience to God, but the Law was given because of disobedience as a means to curtail sin until the pure Perfect Sacrifice of Yeshua/Jesus was made. Jesus instituted the royal law of love.
in relations to Elul; it is important as it is the beginning of the process of turning . Jewish teaching says, it was the responsiblity of the King to leave the palace and go into the fields (where kingdom subjest were) and teach or review their rights and obligations of the Kingdom. Kings were required to write 2 Coveants copies one to rule hisself and one to rule the people. (Softim)
You can see in 1st Gospel (aleph, crown) the book of Kingdom; Yeshua is emmerced, tempted and then returns to Galilee area (the nations, multitudes) and He sits down Position of teaching. The headings of many bibles relate all that goes forth to Kingdom principals. So, I believe that Yeshua may have gone out to teach Coveants to the commoners during Elul. This is lovingkindness, grace that He would come to us where we are and teach us His covenant; that we may not sin against others or Him. Then there is the doing during 10 days; go make right where you’ve errored, “if you brother has something against you, lay down your Yom Kippur offering, and go make it right with him/her. That what’ the the nation will be prepared, clean and washed ready for Yom Kippur and we’ll have a good report from him.
Revelation begins with the same motiff, as there are groups who He speaks well of, those who don’t do so good, and the really bad. He gives them what they need to repent of time to change before Yom Kippur.
This is very good. In addition to all Rico said about diasters to Israel and then Jew; the affects have a ripple affect; there was also the Expulsion from Spain, England, Portugal, downing of Airplane full of Jews in South America, most recently expulsion of Jews from Gush Katiff (Katrina), and the world these last weeks has not been peaceful; has it?
Two words for fast, one is the closing of the mouth. Yes we close mouths from food and drink in a fast; but this about and connected to and there was in Heaven a silence of about 1 hour. If one day w/YHVH is like 1000 on earth; how much is 1 hr in heaven on the earth? We simply cannot immagine what these were like; great emotional pain “can’t speak” Also when the Judge stands up to speak; mouths are closed (there’s no more arguments) mouths are closed in anticipation the Judges verdict.
Two House anti-semitic??? Really, not where I go. However it may appear so to some as we have less ritual clothing worn; and we do more teaching of Torah than of liturgy.
The TaNak says of the return, two sticks, House of Judah and his companions and the HOuse of Israel and his companions.; but they will be one in His Hand, (His Hand is illusion to governance) when He is here to govern us; we’ll be One Nation/House. Inthe meantime; we are still scattered and we do have different approaches; that is for now; but not to argue over. Yeshua told us “not to argue along the way” along the way from/to where? in the process of returning to One Nation.
No one group(s) have the totally correct answers at this time. None, not even one. If you are growing where you are, Bless G-d; if you didn’t like where you were; Bless G-d; He has everyone where He wants; not about me or you.
Hola Rico, Shalom…
Brother I have to say that I have been following you for some time now and I find that you are becoming increasingly more complicated in your speech… What I mean to say is that the “flow” of your speech is all over the place and it becomes very frustrating and extremely difficult to follow everything. One minute you are speaking about one subject, then you switch gears, into two or more subjects which then disperse to several other tracks with references, and then you return to the main subject, and oh yes, and this one other thing you forgot to mention…., ??? Hola hermano…., you may be an encyclopedia of info and references but to poor folk like me who have to follow you around the turns and bends picking up the pieces to put the puzzle into a coherent picture…., WOW ! I admonish you my brother to not only slow down, “especially” when you are reciting the blessing before the reading, as it is a “blessing” and not a run on sentence, but to also try to stay more focused on 2 or 3 floors…. for the sake of the poor…
your brother in Yeshua Messiah…
I’m learning Siddur for the first time. I have a book, “Gates of Prayer”, The New Union Prayerbook by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Will I be able to use this book with your prayers coming up?
Shalom, and thank you so much for your anointed teachings, DeVora Clark