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4 thoughts on “What is the Gospel?”
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With every teaching I listen to, you give so much understanding of the heart of YHWH for us who love HIm and desire to be obedient. I am grateful to have found your website. My 81 yr. old mother will be visiting me in Oct. and is well aware of the lifestyle of my husband and I so I fully intend to take advantage of being face to face with her in my home by listening every day to Torah teaching. My question is….Where to start first? This teaching seems like the most obvious but I would like your input as to sequence of teachings to give her the best understanding in the week she will be here. She is a Christian but through the last 6 years, I have done what I can to teach her without alienating her, to understand the importance of keeping the Shabbat and not mixing the profane with holy in her worship. She is well aware that I am Torah Observant and has attended my place of worship once and gone on her own twice to a messianic synagog where she used to live. Can you give me some kind of simple list of what to listen to each morning for about a week? If you need to put this into email for that is fine for me. My husband and I love your humbleness of heart and great desire to help all learn who are hungry for understanding. Thank you so much for what you do. Shalom!
Javer I tried to hear this teaching again and it says ‘file not found’.
Shalom U’brajot
Very very tov, baruj HaShem YHWH!
Rico, thank you for all the work you do.
we listen to you on Shabbat with our friends.
they are fresh out of christianity and learning a lot.
we have a little home gathering twice a week and now use your teachings
to help others.
thank you again