Don't Forget to
How do we consecrate the Shabbat? In this study Rico focuses on the Shabbat as we continue our studies of the 613 commandments.
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4 thoughts on “Commandments 30-31 – How do you Sanctify the Sabbath?”
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Shalom Rico, I have tried to share this teaching with our Torah family. I asked my wife to post it on her Facebook page as I do not have one. It is there on her page but it can’t be opened. What can I do to open this for them? We as a community are discussing this very subject. Thanks for the teaching and wisdom that you bring. Blessings to your family! Mark and Da’na Motto
Please share the title of the book that you recommended about 49 minutes into the video.
What was the book you held up? The picture was too small for me to see. Thank you.
Shalom Rico, you mentioned “The Chat?” When is it and how can I join when you have it? I do not have Facebook if that is where your chat is. Jennie N.