Comments about the Altar dedication in Jerusalem and its meaning?

Don't Forget to
With much discussion out-there Rico decided to do a few comments in regards to the Altar dedication in Jerusalem and its meaning?
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14 thoughts on “Comments about the Altar dedication in Jerusalem and its meaning?”
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I don’t understand the choice to call it an alter dedication. Instead of an alter demonstration. Thank you for your commentary. Trying to learn what is truth.
Amen! I share your heart and concerns Rico. I have studied the Temple Service about a decade and always learning something new. This teaching and righteous warning came in time and I am looking forward to do the same soon in Finnish because so much antisemitism and ignorance of the Temple Service around no matter where in the world we are.
Praise the King and thank you Rico. Keep the Banner high for YAH’s House & Altar!
“We have thought of thy lovingkindness, O God, in the midst of thy temple.” (Psalm 48:9)
Amein! Amein! Thank you Rico! I absolutely love this teaching!
Thank you Rico!!! This is dead on!!! Replacement theology is soo deeply rooted within our minds especially with regard to the temple and sacrifices. Many people cannot get over the fact that Y’shua did not come to replace any sacrifice or temple service. We are just so disconnected from the ancient hebrew mindset that we call ANY sacrifice or temple service an abomination and blasphemy. May ABBA give us grace and mercy to truly understand, and want to understand, His House and Altar, His ownership symbol of the earth!!! Blessings!!!
Very well said my friend. So refreshing to see Hebraic mindset on these crucial topics and love these comments. Blessings!
Wow. Rico, I think you are being a bit harsh my brother. I realize that many people speak about what they don’t know. I get it. Personally, (like many others), I shared the information on FB from a Messianic “Rabbi” from Israel not understanding and (realizing now) how wrong his specific approach was. My personal experience are not so much with people who are anti-semitic (yes, there are those) but with many who are still learning and trying their best to understand all that goes on. It’s a process. I love the Jewish people and I’m certainly not anti-semitic. But I’m angered at the Sanhedrin for not stating up front what their motive was. According to this particular video (after some aggressive questioning later), the “objective” was to bring awareness about the third Temple- to raise funds for the Temple and (according to them) to bring a “new unity” among the United Nations in regards to the Temple. Why didn’t they just say so up front knowing how much confusion this creates? Maybe that’s the point. It creates exactly the attention they want. Not sure that was the right way to go about it either. While I don’t agree with those who call everything they don’t understand an “abomination”, a little clarification goes a long way. : )
Wow. Rico, I think you are being a bit harsh my brother. I realize that many people speak about what they don’t know. I get it. Personally, (like many others), I shared the information on FB from a Messianic “Rabbi” from Israel not understanding and (realizing now) how wrong his specific approach was. My personal experience are not so much people with people who are anti-semitic (yes, there are those) but with many who are still learning and trying their best to understand all that goes on. It’s a process. I love the Jewish people and I’m certainly not anti-semitic. But I’m angered at the Sanhedrin for not stating up front what their motive was. According to this particular video (after some aggressive questioning later), the “objective” was to bring awareness about the third Temple- to raise funds for the Temple and (according to them) to bring a “new unity” among the United Nations in regards to the Temple. Why didn’t they just say so up front knowing how much confusion this creates? Maybe that’s the point. It creates exactly the attention they want. Not sure that was the right way to go about it either. While I don’t agree with those who call everything they don’t understand an “abomination”, a little clarification goes a long way. : )
Thanks Rico I saw the same things on You Tube over the past few days that 95% were saying that the alter and a sacrifice would be the abomination. I agree that we should have teaching to address this error and share the truth of the matter. I have been sharing some additional inof as listed here to our study group and on line to those who want to have eyes to see and ears to hear. Keep up the good work Brother.
I have been studying this topic for a while now and started because of reading in Ezekiel 43 – to the end it is clear that in Yeshuas kingdom, when he returns , we will keep the Feast and the Torah will be the law . We will have offerings as listed in 45 vs 15 to make reconciliation. In today’s modern life style , people do not think about that we eat meat everyday and that the meat comes from a animal that was killed and slaughtered in order to be eaten. The offerings were a show of our love of YHVH and to approach and be ritually clean the presence of Gods Holiness. ( to sit with God for a meal) Not all of the offerings were for sin and most were to approach and offer an offering by free will, a gift to God. We should dig into and know the difference between 2 types of sin, intentional vs sin done out of ignorance. Jesus or Yeshua supported the offerings as listed in Mat 8 vs 4 where he told the leper to offer the gift that Moses commanded. Same in Mark 1 vs 43 and again in Luke 17 vs 14 which was the instructions given in Lev 14 vs 4 of the offering of the 2 birds. Yeshua in Mat 5 vs 23 and 24 where he instructs the man to make things right with his brother before he makes his sacrifice at the alter. and last is the disciples did these things after Yeshua was resurrected as listed in Acts 21 vs 26 where Paul is instructed by James to take the men who made a vow and to be cleansed and make their offerings. More proof that the law given by YHVH to Moses was , is, and will be the same law in the kingdom to come. God gave us instructions in righteousness and he said what he meant, and meant what he said, which is forever. We do not have to guess what it takes to please him, as it is written in the full volume of the book. May YHVH bless those who seek him and his son Yeshua out and follow when they are led by his set apart Holy Spirit. Amen! One last thought is when the prophesy of Danial happens and the daily sacrifice is taken away and the abomination is set up in the Holy place , many brothers and sisters will think that that sacrifice is wrong and it will not be wrong but will be a very huge sign for those with eyes to see and know the time line that we are in at that time and what will transpire shortly after, over the next 3.5 years.
Blake & Starla
Rico, thanks so much for your teaching, I have a desire to learn more about the Temple, the Temple service and how to approach the Temple. I am coming to your class in Orlando and look forward to learning. I am jut now getting into learning Torah, The appointed times and how to clear my mind of the traditions taught by the Christian Churches. Boy what a journey but what blessings. Shalom, Loretta
thank you for the information. As always you are on top of things Rico.
Rico, Praise YAH for your steadfast stand to share the truth and honor of our King!….and for calling out what is right and what is wrong!!! What a blessing to have you, Ryan White, Dinah Dye and Joseph Good to keep us on track and help us to understand the truth!!!!
hello Rico – we appreciate hearing your comments.