Don't Forget to
This short Didi you know is about context of Matthew 23:1 and Moses seat.
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6 thoughts on “Did you know about the context of Matthew 23:1?”
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Can you tell me what Azazel means please
It is a fusion of 2 separate words Az (goat) and Ozel (departure), so “the goat of/for departure”
Rico; this is what I love about your teaching; you always bring news outlook in scriptures. I did learn about this from Nehemiah Gordon & Michael Rood.and I seen the video (HEBREW YESHUA vs.GREEK JESUS) in fact you can watch it on youtube.
Thank you for this posting! This confirms the information that I heard from Nehemiah Gordon regarding takanot. I would love to find an English translation of Shem Tov’s Matthew. Thanks Rico for all of the varied cuts of prime beef you serve up each week! You and Ryan are an answer to prayer … for REAL! So, please allow any negativity to roll off your back. Press on! Shalom!
Trevia Jimenez; go to Amazon.com and you can find the HEBREW MATTHEW in English.
Amen. Another confirmation of what you are saying in this video is from the Shem-Tov’s Hebrew Matthew. Verse 3 uses yomar “he says” and not yomru “they say.”
(2) The Pharisees and sages sit upon the seat of Moses. (3) Therefore, all he says to you diligently do, but according to their reforms (takanot) and their precedents (ma’asim) do not do, because they talk but they do not do.
Reference is “Hebrew Yeshua vs. Greek Jesus,” by Nehemai Gordon (2005).