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Teaching about the feast language in the Book of John
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4 thoughts on “Did you know? The Language of the Feast in the Book of John?”
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Thank you for all your research short and to the point.
The 3 Feet Feasts. It was required by all the males to go up to these feasts, Passover, Shavaout and Tabernacles. Why? So the father would see His sons and the sons, could see the Father. Yeshua went to obey the command, and yet He is the expressed image of His Father, He also goes that the sons will see Him and therefore See the Father. He does only what He see His Father do. So it is fitting John would point out what Yeshua said and did at the 3 Feasts. If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.
Great teaching Rico, Thank you. There is lots to check into further with this one. Blessings
Has anyone ever done a video re-creation, as much as is possible, of the Temple service?