Extra – Torah Portion Va’Etchanan – Rico at HFF

Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers Mosheh's viewing the land, Mosheh's demand for obedience, the cities of refuge, the Ten Words/Commandments, the "greatest" commandment, and Israel's status as a chosen people
In this week's Torah Portion we will continue our focus on the legality of the Book of Devarim structured as a Suzerain-Vassal Treaty by digging deeper into some prevalent concepts that are found in these chapters. I pray that once we investigate these legal-covenantal concepts in their Ancient Near Eastern context, that we will gain a clearer understanding on how to "love" or be "loyal" to our King and also see how significant the Shema, the Oath is that we speak refers directly to the faithfulness and the "Divine Integrity" of Our KING YHWH.
We will also focus on the other verses of the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:5-6 and expound more into the mindset of the ancient near east and the topic of the heart. It is all about returning to the proper order,function and will of YHWH at the beginning of Creation. This will help us to bring more clarity to the topics of circumcision of the heart, the covenant written on our hearts in Jeremiah 31 , the Parable of the Sower and many other verses dealing with the heart through out Scripture.
The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- No additional resources at this time...