Don't Forget to
This teaching is based on 2 Corinthians 5:17 This teaching is based on Therefore, if anyone is united with the Messiah, he is a new creation — the old has passed; look, what has come is fresh and new!
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7 thoughts on “Image of God Restored”
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Loved this teaching יהוה has revealed to me the creation image and the importance of the garden/temple now I can’t get enough I had to join this website thank you for your teachings.
Awesome Bro! As always. Great teaching! Thanks for opening up this concepts thru out the scriptures.
Such a blessing So much thought went into this teaching that I will listen again tomorrow in hopes of being able to take away more knowledge So much revealed in this lesson that it will require a double portion . Blessing to you.
We have such need to see that even renewal, opportunities to start again, Father the One who always acted in opportunity, the GoodNews/Gospel from the very beginning….these things also a part of the cycles in which we have to enter the Kingdom through Yeshua Who also was from the beginning not the ‘middle’….thank you for this teaching!!
This is an awesome teaching. I still have not got through it all yet, for I take notes and look at the scriptures along with the teaching. I take my time so I can ‘digest’ it all. Thank you so much for your dedication.
Excellent Rico! I love this!! My summary is this — a living God of which there is only 1 and there is none else has living idols or images. Anything else is a dead god and has stiff necked dead idols. Yeshua came to restore the dead idols to their true purpose of living idols producing good fruit – bringing order and restoration to those around us! And you will know them by their fruit!!!
Shalom thank you for listening and i pray this was a blessing to you.