Don't Forget to
This series will focus on understanding what Torah means according to its ancient Near Eastern understanding and how law and the administration of justice was carried out in ancient Israel. We will look into the literary genre of law in the ancient Near East and compare it to Greco-Roman law as well as modern law to show how we have frequently misunderstood the intent of Torah. We will also compare some of the laws in Torah to the Code of Hamurrabi to show the true justice that the Torah provides. We will also discuss the various courtroom settings, where each was applicable and how justice would be served. There will also be a lengthy discussion about the legality of the hue and cry and its implications to us today.
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6 thoughts on “Law and Order in Ancient Israel”
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Shalom Ryan!
Another wonderful teaching!
Legally why did it take 3 days to render a verdict and then resurrect Yeshua?
From my understanding, due to limited medical knowledge in the 1st century, Judaism didn’t consider a person officially dead until 3 days. So perhaps the 3 day period was for proof that Yeshua was actually dead and not just comatose.
Also in Orthodox marriages yes the father’s contract for the marriages; a marriage agreement called ketubah; is written up; is the conditions or terms of how they are going to live together; just like at Sinai; 3 things must be pledged by the groom, shelter, clothing, food; there can be more as they decide; she works; or cares for home and teaches children, whatever they need to state in writing; it is an actual mutual agreement. If there is divorce; they have to go to Jewish judges; have to show evidence as to what of the conditions written person failed to perform; so you can’t divorce just cause “I don’t love her anymore”, cannot be for friviouslus reasons. So; she says he does not provide me shelter. They go inspect the home, nice yard, good safe sturdy structure; pint is good, roof is good, nice inside; wals painted, furnished. Well she says is not as nice as her sisters. So tough; you have a good shelter; no divorce. It is not easy. Is not eacy if there is diovrce have to draw up a divorce document; states all the arrangements; then draw up a legal “get” that’s placed into her hands; husband frees her of wedding vows and oaths; she is free to remarry any man; and she get a receipt. Shows the value of wealth she’s to receive if any. Our American divorces Christian or not are way to easy; and we have generations of children of divorce; broken hearts and dreams; brokeness is rampant. Ther are few if any children who have large extended families; and if so not near by; all spread or scattered about. We have profaned marriage ourselves. is great sin of US Christians. Marriage with children should never be so easy to dissolve; never.
The questions asked in Dr. Laura’s letter seem humorous; however, they are made in the spirit of mockery; just as President O mocked the Mosaic Laws publicly. Mercy was his that a lightening bolt didn’t hit him or he suffer a stroke.
The 1st printed bible Gutenberg 1450; even though printed; not everyone was able to have one.
Only the last 100 years have bible been so inexpensive to buy that everyone can have one, we give many away freely.
This is excellant Ryan. What I don’t like about 613 laws; is that there’s not 613 for everyone all the time.
If you are the King; then follow laws for kings.
If you are the High Priest, this year; follow the laws for the High Priest
If you are female follow the laws for females
If you are a child follow the laws for children
Simply is incorrect to make it seem there are 613 laws for each individual.