Don't Forget to
9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; [I am] God, and there is none like me;
10 declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not [yet] done; saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure;
•Why is Baptism so Important? From a Legal perspective?
•Why was Moses not Killed by the King of Egypt after His daughter pulled him out of the water?
•Why did the Egyptian used the River Nile as a method of punishment of the Hebrews?
•Why did Israel had to pass through the Red Sea?
•Why did the second generation of Israel cross the River Jordan?
•Why Did Yeshua Walked on Water?
•Why did Yeshua allow Peter to falling into the Sea of Galilee?
•What was the meaning of Jonah coming out of the Fish?
•Where is the Message of resurrection in the bible?
These are some of the Questions that I will be explaining using biblical principles and resources from the Ancient Near Eastern Culture for Context.
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37 thoughts on “Legal Context of the Lake of Fire in the Ancient Near East and Scriptures”
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It was a long teaching but I could not stop for a break.
Thank you.
Rico…in 2 Esdras 13 verse 39-50, Ezra retells a story of a “Great Multitude of those from the 10 Tribes that were settled along the Kebar River (Near ancient Haran). The province was called Ha-Sakah (Of Isaac), “that they took counsel among themselves (possibly after the prophecies of Ezekiel) that they would go away to a distant country where no mankind had not dwelt to a place called Arsireth” (River of Sireth in Romania – NW of the Black Sea). And it say “they entered into the Euphrates by the narrow passes of the river, and for the Most High then showed signs for them, and held still the flood until they passed over.
This to me shows that a large multitude of a second or third generation of those from the 10 tribes whose grandparents were taken into captivity, repented. Than after repentance, they migrated north passing through the River Euphrates, as they had done at the Red Sea, and the River Jordan. Even though they were not to return to the land, God still reached out to them through Ezekiel, and continued to treat them as his own, showing great signs and wonders.
So, Job……..he was served a “covenant lawsuit” BUT it was from the legal aspect, of the king of this earth and that YHVH knew was the adversary’s legal right to do so, even if it grieves our Father, he STILL abides by law……….. because Job’s heart was after the Creator, Job placed himself under the jurisdiction of the ONE TRUE God, the enemy had legal right, to ask what he did…….even enemy knows the King will abide by law…….. because enemy is the ruling king of this earth at this time, and we are born into this world………can you imagine the trust Abba had in job’s integrity………Wow………… or am I off in this, understanding? if the former is the case…….. I hope to have that kind of integrity as well……. and if I am not understanding please let me know……… toda raba!!!!
I have to disagree with the proposition that physically circumcising babies on the 8th day protects that baby from the jurisdiction of “evil”. I’m not sure why YHVH made this commandment for babies, when circumcision of the heart is what He desires. There are and were a myriad of “religiously” physically circumcised males who are still under the jurisdiction of “evil”. However, I support the Torah, and if I ever have a male child, I will circumcise him on the 8th day, anyway.
Rico, this teaching also sheds light onto Yeshua’s statement when he blessed the little children. In Matthew 18:6, “but if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck and thrown into the depths of the sea.” This is not a threat, it is a promise of judgment that corresponds to that of Pharaoh against Israel’s little ones who were cast into the Nile. Measure for measure.
Once again, thanks.
All can I say is WOW!!!! thank you so much for your obedience to YHVH and to be dedicated to His directive to you that helps His people to understand His greatness and mercy.
Dear Rico,
thank you so much for sharing all that you have learned with us. What an eye opener! Your studies of the ancient near east and its context to understanding Biblical language is some of the most enlightening studies I have encountered. This makes clearer the reason why the book of Matthew keeps talkng about the kindom of heaven and the kingdom of Yehovah. As you say, the whole of the Bible is a legal document. It lays out the governmental system of our King and Master in heaven and on earth. Wonderful.
May Yehovah continue to bless you, protect you and your loved ones.
I do have one question. It is regards to the mikvah of Yochanan the Immerser. If this is to cleanse from the guilt of idolatry to Rome by paying tribute to the self proclaimed god, Caesar, what bearing does Yeshua’s command to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s have, in regards to paying tax to Rome?
Just my thoughts;
The question was posed as a means of either discrediting or trapping Yeshua into giving a yes or no answer regarding tribute. Yeshua, as the verses say, was aware of their hypocrisy and the sole intent of the question was to trap Him. He answered the question but from an altogether different angle. Because the coins had the image and subscription of Caesar, they therefore ‘belonged’ to him already, “Luk 20:25 And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s.” This answer perplexed and amazed His listeners for it’s wisdom.
So why do we do it, that is, pay tribute to others? Even today we pay tribute (taxes, bearing loads) to our government which pays for a lot of things we would not willingly put our money towards if given the choice. I believe it’s because we still walk in the flesh while OF this world and we are under the laws, jurisdictions and oppressions of the countries/governments/administrations/businesses that host/feed/employ/govern us. For better or for worse – we pay “tribute”.
Romans 13:1-8 reminds us we are under the authorities put in place by YHVH. So while we pay our taxes/tribute, our worship, by confession and baptism and our walk, is to the Most High and His Excellent Son. Similar to ambassadors from other countries who follow the laws of their host countries, we are given certain immunities, concessions and allowances 2Kings 5:18
We are still operating IN this world but are no longer OF the world. We still eat, get sick, pay taxes, suffer injustice and die – just as Yeshua did all these things who also walked in the flesh (sinlessly) but was not of this world. So then, because of Him and His resurrection, now we are set apart, anointed and sealed for Him while yet in OUR flesh/sins. John 7:6-18
That’s the way I see it.
Oh my gosh!!! I’ve just listened to part 1 and I get it. I get Romans 10:9 and what is being said there. Hallelu Yah! He is so good and faithful! I’ve always described myself as “a believer in Yeshua following Torah” due to all the crazy stuff in the Messianic “denominations” and not wanting to be associated with their dogma and as well as not wanting to be associated with christianity. I’ll have to rethink my statement now. Thanks Rico for being His servant to teach His people His Word! Todah! Todah!
This IS Awesome…………I feel more free from the accusations of the past…….. and I know what it means, fully, why the Creator said thou shalt not covet…. and why he said Vengeance is His……..
I find that I can understand the things that are mysteries to us in Scripture by looking to the beliefs of peoples who lived in the midst of Israel. This kind of teaching opens the scriptures up like never before. YHVH uses whatever is around us to teach us HIS ways. It is through this Blog that the cultures of the ancient world that I read about when I was a boy now have relevance. Thank you for all your work in study and teaching. This needs to be spread around.
Thank you Rico for such a clear teaching you are truely a blessing to the body
Top notch Ricco!
This is what is meant by Yeshua reconcilling the world unto himself. He demonstrated their myths were rooted in Him, He was above all; dispelled their myths and demonstrated truth.
The Greater vassal must demonstrate their authority, power and territorial expanse. to the lesser vassal. Believe islam is void of covenant law, is still based in mixed mythology, some of xtianity and Torah.
Trees were used as a covenant symbol; You may eat of these trees, but not the one in the center of the garden.