This teaching will answer some basic questions about Biblical Mikveh vs Church Baptism
Baptism is a subject that has created a lot of controversy in the Body of Messiah. This is because of a lack of Hebraic context. Did you know that if you are immersed in water that is not moving then that baptism is not Biblically valid? Do you know why you get immersed in the Name of Yeshua? Did you know that baptism is not of New Testament origin? This teaching will help you understand the Hebraic context of Biblical Immersion, not from a Christian perspective, but from a complete Hebraic understanding.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs style=”modern” active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section title=”Part 1-2″ tab_id=”1497855055579-1814dc9f-b0630e50-0f501d27-ae0b”][vc_column_text]Part 1
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Part 2
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[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Part 3-4″ tab_id=”1497855055585-b4f60edf-ecc70e50-0f501d27-ae0b”][vc_column_text]Part 3
[iframe http://player.vimeo.com/video/34494395?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0 600 450]
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Part 4
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[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Part 5″ tab_id=”1497855057897-ac2cd14f-567d0e50-0f501d27-ae0b”][vc_column_text]Part 5
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Are there not six mikvehs?
Mikveh / Baptism of:
1. Purification
2. Repentance
3. Identification
4. Spirit
5. Fire
6. Suffering
Please do a teaching on all of them with details of how to preform each one. Thank you.
1. Purification (Acts 21:23-24, John 11:55, Luke 2:22, Lev. 12:2-4)
2. Repentance (Mark 1:4, Acts 1:5, Matt. 3:1-2,11,)
3. Identification (Acts 2:38, 8:16, 36-38, 10:48, 16:33, 19:5, John 14:13)
4. Spirit (Acts 1:8)
5. Fire (Matt. 3:11)
6. Suffering (Luke 12:50)
Shalom Rico,
My wife and I have been listening to the teaching on Biblical mikvah. To say the least, it is “shaking us up” because we are living in an area of Israel where the majority of Christians are walking with a messiah who is not Yeshua. Could the verses in 1John chapter 2 starting at verse 18 be referring to the kind of messiah Christians who are practicing “lawlessness” are following?
PS I love this teaching and have had a deep desire and need really for mikvah just can’t figure out the details. Will seen you in March or april (can’t remember when you are coming to MN).
One more question, you had mentioned before about getting a new hebrew name (i believe) do you pick out the name for yourself or does one of the witness or a rabbi give it to you? I promise, I’ll quit asking questions now.
Rico, how are we supposed to mikvah? the only “living water” we have around here is lakes or public areas, and you can’t do that naked. Plus what about winter time when it is all iced over for niddah? Is it permissible to do it clothed if that is your only way to do it? I’ve read you can do it in the shower, but that just doesn’t seem right to me.
Truly, YHWH requires cleanliness, being set-apart, from the inside out! Amein!
Shalom, Rico, thank you for this series.
Do we still need a witness, as Y’shua is our Witness.
Shalom Rico,
Love your work! It brings joy to my heart.
Thanks for teaching us man!
May the Almighty bless you and your family.