Don't Forget to
This Torah portion is one of the most revealing stories about the Messiah in the Torah. This Parashah tells us about the prophetic of types and shadows in Scriptures in regards to the regathering of the children of Israel. The story about how Abraham send his most trusted servant to seek a Bride for Isaac, Abraham represents the Father in this story, Eliezer - the Holy Spirit, Rebecca is a type of the Virgin condition of Israel in the Dispersion and lastly the house of Laban is about the future location where the children of Israel would be disperse because of their Idolatry. I pray that this Portion of Scriptures will help you understand the deeper dimension of the study of the Torah.
Also, this portion is one of the most revealing in my years following and teaching Torah. It proves my point of the importance of understanding context, customs, culture, international laws of the time that our fathers lived. Have you ever wonder why? Abraham only wanted to buy the cave and not the whole pieces of land? What connection does the price for the land has to do with Hittite law of the times of Abraham? What importance does the trees in this story has to do with the final sale of the field? And Finally why is Abraham so driven to find a bride for Isaac our of the house of his fathers? I am so humbled that YAH has giving me an opportunity to get an understanding of this important context.
Lastly, In Chayei Sarah we will discuss the importance of understanding the link between narrative and law. It is only through the study of both that we can determine which laws in Torah are designed to restore us to the perfect image of God and those which were given to limit how far we could stray from the image of God because of the hardness of our hearts (Matthew 19:8). We will also look at the importance of the term "God of Heaven" and the connection between the 10 camels and the 10 virgins in Matthew 25
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- Torah Nugget Resources: THE LEGAL BACKGROUND OF GENESIS 23
45 thoughts on “Parashah Chayei Sarah Complete”
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Where is the ‘homework’ posted?
Where is the homework posted?
Todah!!! I love the new teachings this year! And I want you to take as much time as you need to explain the information. Blessings to you and your family and to Daniel and Ryan and their families! Todah for all the studying and dedication you have to teach the Kingdom. I appreciate you very much!
& thanks for the extra half hour!
Is there a power point for the 2015 portion? Awesome teaching as always Rico. I could listen to you for hours, so don’t apologize for taking more time. I don’t know anyone who would complain!
I wait at the well Lachai-Roei for my covenant man.
Wonderful teaching, brother Rico.
Thank you so much for all the hard work you do (and your family). The material you are teaching has assisted in solidifying my relationship with the Father through Yeshua.
Baruch HaShem!
Shalom Rico! Simply love your zeal and passion!
You do cramp a lot into one teaching, but so much revelations, who’s complaining?
:- )) The tying together of names is fascinating, as in a zig-saw puzzle! What joy when the pieces fit beautifully together!
Thank you!
oops, jig-saw puzzle hehe.
Rico, Thank you for your patience with all of us, and of course, your time. Thank you for teaching us how to fish for ourselves, instead of just giving us fish. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, wisdom, experience, and resources with us. Also, thank you to your beautiful (on the inside) wife who has shared you with us…
Shalom, Dear Brother in Yeshua
Bradford Scott book The shadow of heavenly things: Revealing the body of messiah in the tabernacle page 97; The ancient, old and east all speaks of the source of where all things come from. This is why YHWH is called the one from everlasting, or the East(Havakuk) The word west, or yam speaks of the direction of the nations and is equally translated as the seas, or source of the mass of humanity..Man`s ways come from the west and Elohim`s ways come from the east. It is no coincidence that the only entrance to the tabernacle is on the east side.” Do you have a different view about east, or is there something remez or sod there what I don`t understand ?
Brad and I agree on what you said from the language point of view. Brad knows that I point it out from the Temple service perspective. There is no contradiction and I do know what Brad means and agree.
wow, i can’t describe how awesome it is to finally taste the Meat and Potatos of the word. lol I have been on Milk for to long!!!! Praise Adonai 🙂
Rico hits another one out of the ballpark! Connecting the dots each week is what I have been so needing. I was hanging on the edge of my seat when the teaching stopped playing at around -13:32. That’s ok I have enough notes to review for now. Thankyou so much! Paula in Texas