Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the covenant promise to Abram if he leaves his country, the split between Lot and Abram, the war with the capture of Lot and Abram's rescuing of Lot, the covenant of the pieces with Abram, the birth of Ishmael, and the covenant of circumcision.
This Torah Portion is an example of how important understanding Ancient Near Eastern Customs and culture is for us to know. Due to the fact that we live in the western hemisphere and we are not exposed to Middle eastern lifestyles or in this case Ancient Near Eastern daily life.
Our forefather live in a time frame in which laws were established and kingdom rule with power and dominate base on Covenant and Oath. Abraham lived during a time of kingdoms fighting one another for power and the fact that they live in the fertile crescent should be important for us to know the lifestyle, customs, and laws. There are many things in this portion that will not be understood unless we learn the legal fictions and context of ancient near eastern law in context of the life and times of the Fathers of our faith. I took extra time explaining context and legal code of the nations to try and bring a better light into the life of the early fathers of our faith.
We are also going to look at the covenant with Abraham from the perspective of honor and the duty of a client towards his patron.
Later in the Brit Portion we also touch in the Book for Romans chapter 4!
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- Torah Portion Lech Lecha-pdf
- These are the Articles that I used as reference for this Torah Portion:
- Women in Mesopotamia
- Women in Hebrew and ANE Law
- The Family in the Ancient Near East
- Grants and covenant
- Abrams_Amen_Full
- Circumcision as a Covenant Rite
- Covenant in Biblical Hebrew
Books used for this Torah Portion:
- 1. Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology by Jeffrey Niehaus
- 2. Essential Papers on Israel and the Ancient Near East (article by Moshe Weinfeld)
- 3. Treaty of the Great King by Meredith Kline
- 4. Ancient Near Eastern Texts: by Pritchard
56 thoughts on “Parashah Lech L’Cha Complete”
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Barukh HaShem. Very good teaching, Rico. Thank you for your love to teach Torah. For me do not worry about what people will think? There are so much very good teaching in Kaballah (Hidden Wisdom). Of course I do not go to the bad side of it. Shalom!
Hey Rico I just want to say thankyou so much for all of these teachings. It is the biggest blessing i have ever had in my spiritual walk. you are before the greatest teacher i have ever heard, and all though you feed me well with the word of God, the more i eat the Hungrier i get. The fact that you offer these teachings at such a low price is unbelievable in itself. I download your portions plus one other teaching every week, and listen to them at work. Its the greatest blessing thankyou again, i cant tell you how thankful i am for you and your ministry.
May YHWH Bless you and keep you!
Shalom Rico: I am having a problem with a charge for every teaching. It is a small amount but it seems like that is a compromise. By the way, I do like your teachings. Channah
Before this blog, if you wanted to buy Rico’s teaching, you would have to buy his CDs or DVDs at retail which people on fixed or limited income would usually only get one or two teachings. Now, that money goes much further and they can likely get most of his teachings.
I thank Rico for figuring out this great platform and method to get his teachings out to many more people while still being able to support his family.
absolutely – agree with Victor. Don’t forget – you can ABSORB all of his teachings on line for 10 $ A YEAR! You can take notes as well. BTW – taking notes enhances learning. We have to stop expecting being served – we have to put some work into it as well. Thank you Rico for your generosity!
Great job my brother and great friend! Keep up the awesome job on these teaching, they are helping me so much and so many others. I always love it when you come to our congregation and give your teachings with so much pasion and heart. I recently purchase you teaching dvd is Islam the beast? All man it falls just how I been thinking for a long while. Everyone needs to make this dvd part of there collection. We need to open all believers eyes before it to late for them and you Rico are doing such a great job of that. This is why I support you ministry and invite all my friends and family to do the same.
Shalom Alejem
Johnny Rivera Congregation Beit Ha’Torah in orlando Fl.
question: if what happens to the fathers happens to the children, would it be accurate to say that from the time jacob went to egypt and the israelites left is 240 years, would it be accurate that the U.S. became a nation almost 240 years in 2016 and we will be seeing the great exodus about that time? just a thought. what do you think?
you are a thorough, seasoned, pleasureable teacher. what reaches my heart is your vocalization of how you address to us how we should approach and speak to our KING. you are so in love and full of expression. when you speak to us how we’ve been taught to demand and command the word on YHWH and how grieved you are, it breaks my heart. i can see why you were chosen and gifted to teach us.
thank you for all the years, and hours you have spent pouring over books to give us food that is not muddied and trampled. i appreciate you as well as your buddies.
I forgot also I use the
Onkelos Torah and that books teaches about the MEMRA of Yah
Shalom to all
thanks for joining me in the torah portion teachings and some of the resources that I used are:
Book of Yasher
The Chumash
The Tikkun
Book of Enoch
Midrash Rabbah
artscroll Siddur
Thanks for being part of this I am so humbled that you would open your hearts and minds to allow me to teach you, please keep me in your prayers.
Wonderful! Enjoying very much. When you ask us questions or if we understand; we are answering you & saying yes we understand…its funny, and a lot of fun…this is answered prayer for my husband & i and we give Yahweh all the praise for hearing our cry to be taught….thank you Rico for teaching, for the many hours you are spending preparing to help not just us, but others…
We are also praying for you…blessings dear brother, shalom, shalom…
The Fischers
Awesome Teaching On Lech Lecha Rico!
Question: I also listened to 144,000 teaching…….woooo man!!! How can I get some info on the 1987 study where they tested the Hebrew language with the sand & magnetic plates? I need the hard data before I share this with others.
-Just tryin’ to be a good Berean,
Love ya’ Bro!
Part 1: Lech L’cha was great. Video ran a short while before it stopped, was able to listen on audio. Part 2: Not able to get video. Audio stopped after about 5 minutes???? Will try later
An answer to prayer. Rico, could you please let me know the three books that you are using in your teaching. You talk to fast….cannot understand the titles. Also, what version of the Scriptures are you using? Sylvia
WOW Great Teachings. Thank You sooo much, Rico, please say hello to your wife from me.