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This teaching is a follow-up to the concept block teaching on honor and shame. In this teaching we will discuss the patronage system that was part of the culture and background of the New Testament and in fact existed in the ancient Near East as well as evidenced throughout the Tanakh (Old Testament). This will give us a contextually correct understanding of many of the sayings of Yeshua and the writings of Paul and other New Testament writers. It is most important in understanding that the term 'grace' (Greek: charis) was not primarily a religious word but was well understood throughout the first century world in both the Greco-Roman culture and the Jewish culture of the day. We will see that by understanding this patronage system, we will completely understand our duty of reciprocity towards our God and how this works hand-in-hand with our Biblical mandate of doing justice and righteousness.
This teaching is ~1.5 hours in length and is complimentary to the Honor and Shame teaching. Both of these subjects will be covered in even further depth in my upcoming series on the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 that will be featured on HRN as well as this upcoming year's Haftarah portions that will be available exclusively on Rooted in Torah. I pray that you enjoy this teaching.
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5 thoughts on “Patron-Client Relationships in the Scriptures”
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Such a good understanding…. thanks Ryan. Q on Pt 1., Mt25.37-40… we do a thing as unto Yeshua if we do it for “one of his family,”– not for just anyone. We are obligated to those in our own family, i.e. a brother or sister believer, yet not obligated to every person who desires a good deed. Not saying we should not do good deeds to whoever asks if we can, but according to Mt I’m asking about.
I had never noticed that difference until seeing it on your video. There are so many demands on our time and resources today that it seems a pertinent consideration.
This teaching changed everything for me a couple of months back, I have been recommending it to everyone. I think this understanding is absolutely foundational.
Could it be that simple? Ham dishonored his father by seeing him in a stupor, passed out naked in his tent, and sharing his fathers wretched condition with his brothers, brought great dishonor and shame to Noah? You have opened my eyes to another reality – Honor and Shame. We know nothing of this today! Truly mens eyes are going to and fro, and more is being revealed Blessing’s brother Ryan
– Peter
Honor; do we make a loud priase and worship service to give HIm Honor; or to attract congregants; addiicted to Christian Music Celebrities?
Fantasitic Ryan; your G-d is Great !