Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the adoption of Yoseph's two sons and the final blessing of the sons of Jacob. This Portion deals with the prophetic restoration of the whole house of Israel. The story of Joseph as the Messiah figure in the role of the king and how the final restoration will not happen until the whole house of Israel is gathered as one.
We are connecting the story of Ephraim and Manasseh with the Ancient near East laws of Adoption. Did you know that the language Jacob used in the blessing to the children of Joseph lines up perfectly with the International understanding of Adoption in the Ancient world. I will do my best to connect that language to the letters of Paul and the clues left for us all through our Scriptures. We no longer need the approval of any system of Religion including Judaism.
We respect our older brother Judah and will learn from them but they do not hold the key to enter the kingdom only our heavenly father dictates who is His or not. Yeshua's work of redemption will guarantee our share of the inheritance in the kingdom. I praise our father YHVH for opening the way of Salvation and enter with the full rights of a citizen into His perfect Kingdom.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- A Ugaritic Parallel to the Adoption of Ephraim and Manasseh
58 thoughts on “Torah Portion Vayechi Complete”
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Shabbat Shalom Y’all! from chilly but sunny Texas (enjoy PR, Rico!)… so blessed to finally have the means to hear your teachings all the time…
Rico – you mentioned Yah’s people don’t embalm and bury within 24 hours. An interesting movement is underway in which people are starting to bury their own within 24 hours without the “help” of funeral homes. I know of one congregation who even has people who will help for the care for those who have made request. These burials are usually done within 24 hours for hygiene purposes. My family has done this 2 times with very beautiful coffins built by the family and meaningful services that gave a very tangible way to handle grief with action. It was a very significant way to honor our loved ones.
Sad I was unable to be in St Louis and see you last week – Enjoy Puerto Rico! Heard the conference was very good. It is my prayer the unity message will be heard, understood and come to fruition, soon and in my day.
Rico we learn so much from each teacher. Thank YOU. Enjoy the weather. It’s freezing here in Toronto.
Re embalming Jacob’s body, http://www.torahclass.com, Tom Bradford said:
The Egyptians had perfected the art of embalming the dead. The reason for the embalming was all wrapped up in Egyptian beliefs about the after life. Physical preservation was key in the survival of death by the immortal soul, according to the long established Egyptian cult of Osiris, the god of the underworld.
HOWEVER, that is not the reason or the circumstance that Jacob was embalmed. The reason was that Jacob’s body had to be taken on a substantial and hot journey, to Canaan, to be buried with his forefathers, and if they did not embalm him…..well…..I don’t think I need to paint a vivid picture for you. .. Now, part of the reason that I know that Jacob’s embalming had nothing to do with the Egyptian death cult is that the Bible leaves us a subtle message: and it is that Joseph called the PHYSICIANS to perform the embalming. Physicians were not normally embalmers in Egypt; usually, it was the Priests of Osiris who performed this intricate and secretive task.
Thank you for the teaching, when you explain all, it is clear as water from Yeshua to me. Toda, Marleen, Antworp Belgium.
I have enjoyed your teaching thank you for doing this teaching for us.
I love your teachings. I down load them to a DVD and share them with my study group. We have a good time on Fri. night. Thanks for all your hard work. I know you will be blessed like you bless others. Linda
lol! So funny! I am in Grand Bay Alabama. Its really cold for us southern belles, colder than normal, Unlike sunny Puerto Rico!
Thanks Rico for your animated versions of the portions. I love the way that you explain and narrate the biblical characters. You make it so easy to understand.
Thank you Rico for loving YHWY so much that you want to spred his word. YHWY has changed my life through people like you and I am very greatful. You were one of my favorites until this message as I sit here in front of my pellet stove snuggled up with my 2 dogs for warmth, I would hope that you sweet in your long sleeve shirt, but that would not be how Yeshua would want me to act. LOL I hope you enjoy your visit there and I really enjoyed your teachings in St. Louis. Blessing to you. your family. and staff, we here in Springfield are greatful for all of you. Shalom my brother.
hi rico
oh puerto sounds so lovely and warm. i won’t even tell you how cold it got here the other night. yes i will -29 celcius and you are 29 celcius above. i used to like you rico. BURR!!!
thankyou for the awsome teachings i’m learning a lot. thankyou for the work you and victor are putting into this. may HASHEM continue you bless you and your families. love, pennie
somewhere in the frozen north (wpg.canada) eh
your sister in YESHUA
Shalom Rico,
Thank you so much for giving us such a wonderful gift. It has been a longing of mine to study with you as you have such a deep understanding and love especially of the temple; temple worship and Torah. YHWY has answered my prayer in you His obedient servant.
Warm regards from one of your sisters in Ontario (Barrie area) Canada,
Thankyou for your hard work Rico! Love your teachings!