Sacrilege-Ma’al & Herem in the Bible

Sacrilege-Ma'al & Herem in the Bible

Don't Forget to

The Bible teaches us to value the holy. But, sadly today due to the lack of research into the temple in scriptures the audience has a hard time understanding what is holy according to God. Instead, the definitions are based on theological definitions. In this teaching I will show you how one word in Leviticus 5:15 translated in English does not really show the seriousness of profaning the holy, sacred spaces of God. 
MA’AL is a Hebrew word that carries legal context and if not understood we can sin against God with sacrilege. 
What is Sacrilege? This teaching will show you how we are all guilty of this sin when we change the holy things of God.




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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

1 thought on “Sacrilege-Ma’al & Herem in the Bible”

  1. This was such an amazing teaching clarifying so much and helping me to enter into a place of true understanding regarding the set apart things of the Almighty.

    Thank you for the Truths you proclaim Rico. I know you’ve been teaching this for a while already, but for some reason it only makes sense now. I repent as well and will share these truths to others as best as I can.

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