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6 thoughts on “Salt Covenant teaching done at the Chicago Restoration Conference”
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I have this teaching in my very cells I nearly have it memorized……this one is by far the most important to me any ways…….. it covers so many things………. Lev 2/13 Yah said it 3 times in one verse…….pretty important……….
I have no words! i am overwhelmed by the LOVE, the FAITHFULNESS, the COMMITMENT that our Creator YHVH shows to us, HIS Covenant People. HE TRULY IS AWESOME! Thanks Rico.
I can never get tired of hearing how great and faithful our King is to His Word. Such a great teaching ! I thank Yahweh Bro. Rico for you. My husband and I have learned so much from what Yahweh gives you and our lives are changed.
This is one of the very best teachings I’ve EVER listened to…what a wonderful blessing and a very good place for each believer to begin their studies as they endeavor to understand what it means to be engrafted into Israel. I’m so excited at what I am learning!
Rico, Halalu Yah to the Most High Creator YHVH, thank you for the commitment you have in serving Yahoveh, the salt teaching in Chicago .WE all become weak at times and at other times we are very strong in our walk with our Creator,and what you said about eating Torah everyday(my words) you put it much better. that is our Spiritual food and when we do not eat of it and commune with our Father deeply according to that relationship of commitment in Covenant we our weak, but according to the promises and experiance of eating our daily bread, we become the servants He needs and wants us to be!! Thank You again for your inspiration in teaching us Yahoveh’s truths in Torah. May Yahoveh Bless you and your Family Shalom bill
It was a great blessing having you at this years Chicago ResTORAHation Confernce.