Don't Forget to
For many years believers have wondered about the mystery of the 144,000 in the book of Revelation. Many secrets are being revealed in our day, especially in regards to prophesy. In this teaching we will learn about the Song of Moses and also some hidden secrets found in our Bibles about the original music scale used by the priests in Temple periods. Did you know that the music scale is found in the book of Numbers chapter 5 as hidden entries within the verses? Do you as believers know in what language the Song of Moses will be sung by the 144,000? Did you know that the Hebrew language emits frequencies and tones that literally have the power to create? You will learn the answers to these and much more in this teaching. May YHVH bless you and open our minds to understand those things from the beginning which have been secret until now.
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20 thoughts on “The 144,000 & The Song of Moses”
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Dear Brother Rico,
Thanks for this teaching, I do appreciate your time in study. However, I do not find any scriptural basis in Numbers 7:12-84 for the claims of so called “Solfeggio frequencies”.
The problem I have with it is that it is based upon erroneous assumptions and facts.
1. Dr. Puleo bases the frequencies on numerical values from verse numbers that are not in the original sefer Torah scrolls. In other words the numbers were added by men not Elohim.
Verse numerals were added to the text in the 16th century by Christian and Jewish scholars as a result of debates between them. Verse divisions are in the Hebrew Masoretic text but without any numerals or hebrew (letter/numbers) in the margins. http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/14682-verse-division
2. All that Dr. Puleo discovered was one of infinite numerical patterns that exist in numerology. There is no significance that starting with 12 every sixth number to 84 can be reduced to a pattern of 396 repeating and every sixth number from 13 to 79 will form the pattern 417, etc. This pattern actually begins at 6 and extends well beyond 84 and may perhaps be infinite.
3. The numerical pattern, even if it were based upon Hebrew numerical letter values, which it is not, has no connection or relationship to sound frequency in cycles per second (in Hz named after physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz 1857-1894). A number without a unit of measure is not relevant. 10 Shekels, Omers, Baths, etc. Change the unit from hertz to something else and the sound would change, possibly beyond 19 kHz which we cannot hear.
As to the wild claims associated with these frequencies that do not form a scale or any form of order but rather sound chaotic when played in order or together does not prove anything. People will put faith in lies as well as truth and some may be healed by their belief.
I do not disagree that sound was used in the making of the universe, and that it can heal and even bring miracles. I have experienced great anointing while singing in Hebrew to YHWH. But the new age music that is being circulated under this genre is not Hebrew scripture being canted to the father, and appeals to those who seek secrets and power. If there are secret frequencies, and I believe that there are, I don’t think these are it, but rather a counterfeit to deceive even the elect, if it were possible. And they are too powerful for any but the Levi’im, Kohan’im or the Resurrected to wield except in the context of the Temple service.
I put this out there as a wake up lest any be deceived in these last days.
Shalom my brother, may Yah be with you.
Thanks for the comments and I am always searching and since I recorded this teaching 10 years ago more comprehensive teachings and research has come out that actually shows that what Dr. Puleo was leading to was actually correct. But, now there is more information about frequencies than ever before and the music in these frequencies.
I thank you for your opinion on this topic.
It will not play for me. Is there any suggestions as to what to do?
I first watched this teaching somewhere, where he was on video. It was fantastic & from then on, I’ve been using essential oils and have paid attention to what fabric my clothes were made of. Now, I can’t find the video teaching. I agree, this needs to be on DVD.
Look on Yahtube. I think the teaching you’re thinking of is there.
Is there a way to find the/a CD that has these sounds for to listen to in my home/car/ etc? Is there a list, somewhere? I might partake of?
Joseph Haydn: Symphony No 96 “Miracle”
Music From God, Psalms for Meditation and Worship by Uri Harel
Www. Hebrewworld.com/MUSIC/MFG.html
PRAISE YEHOVAH IT IS WORKING!!!!!!!! Thank you !!!!!! Toda Abba!!!!!!
I could not get this to play……….. 🙁
I realy would like to hear this………..
Try it now, I updated the link.
Thank you Ryan Abba Bless you!!!!
This teaching needs to be done on a DVD so we can see what Rico is talking about. It is an amazing teaching that I have shared with a number of people, but can not see what Rico has on the board as he is speaking.
As always I am dumbstruck by all that we have never knew existed, thank you from the bottom of my soul Rico for being faithfull to YHWH! Do you please have any samples of this type of singing or music, I would love to hear it, learn it and sing along?
Thank you. Ilze
I spent the most of Tuesday doing extra online research concerning frequency and the solfeggio scale.There is so much information out there that it was mind-boggoling.I went to Dr. Len Horowitz’s website and read some of the information there (a thorough read of the materials on all the websites he’s got book,articles,audio interviews,and other publications on would literally take weeks or longer).I recalled that Rico stated that all religious dogma has a portion of truth to it which has been perverted.I realized just how New Age this probably sounds to someone who’s seeking “truth”. It appears that Eastern philosophies have borrowed alot from this knowledge and are using it in Reiki,yoga,reflexology,etc. Even Western medicine uses some aspects of this knowledge with pain management such as chiropractice,accupuncture,and even epidural medicine administration using the meridians to trace nerve tracts. It gets dark when you consider chakras and “opening 3rd eyes” via the kundalini. I wasn’t sure if Horowitz himself isn’t a kabbalist,so I discontinued my online studies.I may purchase a few books,but I need to pray first and see how Yahweh leads me.
This was a very good teaching, I could hardly pull myself away, which was the only thing wrong with it, dinner was late! Thank you Rico for sharing what you are learning with us in humility.
I am very excited about knowing my Elohim more, very excited indeed.
Hmm – if 1/3 of the world is Jewish/Christian….would it not make sense that the bitter waters are for Israel to drink? The Law of Jealousy requires us to drink the water just as before. Remember, we have been with other gods. We must repent and drink the bitter waters again to be shown faithful. Some will drink and not repent and their bellies will swell and it will be obvious who they are. The Levites with then be standing by with swords in hand…..In other words, the bitter waters are for us to drink, not the unbelievers. It’s for us.
Wow! There’s much to learn and seemingly little time.
The order of Melchezakeck; requires the full knowledge of the book of Kings (DT) and Priests (Leviticus) these 2 will bring you into operating in the order. These are the most quoted of Yashua.
It’s been a thought for a long time that those with high praise and worship need to go to the high places in Israel and sing His words; which is why the prieslty line needs to be returned to the land. It would set altars of praise on high places, just like where radio towers are placed. It brings His presence which is a strong tower the righteous run into and they are delivered. Not by might but by His Spirit.