Don't Forget to
This is one of the conference teachings I did this past weekend. This topic has been the reason for my delay of putting out other teachings due to the amount of material to study concerning this topic as well as it has completely transformed my understanding just since going through the Book of Leviticus this Torah cycle.
Have you ever wondered the following?
- What is sin, and how is it to be understood in Israel?
- How does our sin affect the Tabernacle or Temple of YHWH?
- What does the blood from the sacrifices do?
- How is the Purification/ Chattat Offering to be understood?
- How is our sin purged or atoned for?
- How does this all tie in with the work of Yeshua?
I pray that this will give all of us a much clearer understanding to all the above posed questions. I know now how much I never really knew about MY KING and HIS Plan. These past 14 months have turned my life upside down, inside out, and end over end and I am so grateful to MY KING for HIS Mercy to us EVEN in our rebellion.
I also thank Ryan for his work in his series on Sin and Sacrifice, you will see some of his slides incorporated into this teaching.
Also, I encourage you all to PLEASE read Hebrews Chapters 8,9, and 10 with me when I get to that point in the video, it is extremely important for making the connections of the Earthly Tabernacle to the Heavenly Tabernacle. I did skip thru some slides due to timing restraints and will eventually put this into a series to go more in depth and cover all the slides. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask . I pray that this will be a blessing to you.
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7 thoughts on ““The Purification Offering and The Purging of Sin””
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With Milgrom’s concept in mind, were there ever any Chattah offerings PRIOR to the tabernacle being constructed?
In the Biblical text, the only place where the chatta’t offering is recorded is in conjunction with the Tabernacle or Temple. Prior to the taberncacle’s construction, the only offerings mentioned are the Olah, the minchah, and possibly the shelamim (the Pesach was a shelamim)
David didn’t make an offering but he did have an offering taken, thus he lost the first child and even the name of that child! Even the gender was known but not written in the Torah!
“can not deal with conscious” is another way to say “can not tend to the divine part of our soul.” note from: 1:35
Shalom my friend,
There is a Jewish teaching that we have an animal and a divine aspect to our soul. The animal part of soul is fleshy and desires things of this world. The divine part of our soul longs for the Heavenly things. The killing of animals was indeed because they had no free will and it was dealing with this part of our “soul life”. The Blood of Yeshua was dealing with the divine part of our soul and it’s desire to ascend. I am so glad you crystallized a wrestling that I’ve has with the matter of “washed in the Blood” for some time now.
thanks again, and I look forward to seeing you this Shabbat
Trying to watch this teaching and the audio on the video portion is choppy and hard to hear. Tried running with “the Audio” and it quits at 1:33:07’ish
Shalom Achi,
Great teaching Daniel, I really enjoyed this. Very informative. Thanks for all you do.
Avinu Shalom Alecheim!