The Threshold Covenant Official Audio Teaching

Home » The Threshold Covenant Official Audio Teaching


This is the Official Audio Version that will be available for sale on Hard Copy next month. Due to contractual Commitments I have to charge the Standard Price for this Teaching.
I pray that you will enjoy it and be a blessing to you.

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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

16 thoughts on “The Threshold Covenant Official Audio Teaching”

  1. Yochanan Harel

    I am trying to listen to the audio only version of this teaching, The the covenant of the Threshold and the page says “see below for Audio” and when I scroll down to “audio” there is nothing there. Would you be able to help me with this? I borrowed this original teaching from a friend at Synagogue and would like to hear the original again.

    Toda raba,
    Yochanan Harel.

  2. Was just in Israel for the feasts. crossed over into Jordan to visit friends there and injured my toe at the threshold going into security in Jordan…toe bled because of injury. Two days later, in a friends home, I
    jam my toe on the threshold as I tried to step over it–cut the same toe in two places and again it bled everywhere. I have been trying to understand what ABBA is saying concerning both injuries at thresholds in Jordan. My toe continued to bleed as I traveled into Beer Sheva and the Galilee. The toe nail is separating from the toe bed and will be coming off. Any thoughts?

  3. Ricco; this threshold covenant is so very important. Thank you.

    What I don’t understand is: if the prodigal squanders his inheritance, I can see how he’s welcomed back into the family; but don’t understand how he get his full inheritance? He squandered it right? it’s gone. Unless the older son give him part. Right? The first born has the inheritance rights, right?

    Also, how is there an Exchange of the firstborn? I thought there was a redpetion of firstborn?

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