Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the Balak summoning Balaam to curse Israel, the beating of Balaam's donkey, the offerings by Balaam, the three oracular blessings of Balaam over Israel, the end time prophecy against Moab and Midian, and the incident of Ba'al Peor and Pinchas' skewering of Cosbi and Zimri.
One of the focus in the Nugget Portion will be on the last 9 verses of the Torah Portion with the incident at Ba'al Peor. Ba'al worship was relatively new to the Canaanite region and Israel was not prepared to deal with the issue and so they were enticed through their eyes and they stomachs into committing ritual sexual intercourse and eating meat sacrificed to idols, thus coming in covenant with Ba'al; it was only the zeal of Pinchas that spared the entire nation. Where does this leave us today? Are we too supposed to have the zeal of Pinchas and strike down those who are breaking Torah or are living in idolatry? Do we have the LEGAL right? Did Pinchas have the legal mandate? We need to know our role and duty in God's kingdom so that we do not encroach upon the duties which YHVH has assigned to others.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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55 thoughts on “Torah Portion Balak Complete”
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The mixing of the Holy and the profane is the main reason why I choose not to attend a local congregation where I live because all of them do this. I have taken a stand not to go back into paganism and demon worship. If I must walk this walk alone, so be it…I will not compromise. Thank you Rico for taking a stand and voicing the truth of the matter!
Thank you so much for your teachings. I am learning so much, it’s such a blessing to have teachers who love YHVH and teach His ways.
I looked up some information on Balaam and have quoted it below along with the source.
There’s more information at the link below;
Shalom to you and yours.
Excerpt that Rico read from the Book of Jasher (Yasher)
In the verse below there are two names that you can’t otherwise find in the bible. But if you look in the book of Jasher, they are listed as the 2 sons of Balaam.
Siddur Download
There is an “Introductive Siddur for Weekdays” that Rico has made available for download – “Here is the basic Siddur in English posted for you to download so that you can have one until you buy the complete Siddur. This is a very simple one but it contains the whole Amidah prayers and afternoon prayers. I want for all of you to continue to learn how approach YHVH our King. Rico”
It is a great place to start as there are many variations of prayers — enjoy,
p.s. If you are interested in purchasing a Siddur the best source is
Thank you for yet another awesome teaching Rico.
Shauva tov to you and your family!
I am from Norway and listen to your Torah Portion almost each week. I find it so interesting to see and understand the Torah more and more as time go. I am thankful to JWHW for your commitment to the studies of Torah and your willingness to share this to others!
As I understand you are leading a trip to Israel in October. I my self is going to the Holy Land in this time. I would like to meet and greet you. I know you have your program and will be very occupied, but I just wonder if it could be possible to meet you for a little talk.
May JHWH give you the strength and guidance for the coming week! I greet you with Psalm 62.
A greeting from IA from Norway who love the Torah!
I will be in Israel during late october and send me a email and maybe we can meet there.
I found an interesting word play in Chapter 22:7 where it states that the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian went with charms in their hand. The Stone Edition Chumash states, “To make sure that Balaam could not plead that he lacked the necessary tools, Balak sent charms, the tools and implements that Balaam would need to cast spells. The word charms in Hebrew is spelled Qof-Samech-Mem. The destructive curse would be accomplished through use of “Qof-Samech-Mem”. We see Hamas using “Qassam” rockets in an attempt to destroy Israel today.
Well done, brother! Shalom! Shalom! : )
Fantastic! I whole heartily agree we should never mix with those outside covenant , unless we are sent by YAH to go.
I was sent to a christian church to join their midweek bible study
the pastor was STUNNED by the revelation knowledge YAH gave me for them
as time has passed their is a sister there who has been studying/ listening to
a lot of teaching of the followers of YAH.
point being he is now studies Torah he is beginning to look at things proper
its what YAH has done not me.
I went at an invite AFTER being given perfect will of YAH, I will not go where I or my father is neither welcome or wanted.
its actually a misdemeanor crime in NY to cause an well uprising in a public place of worship whither its christian or otherwise.
with that said in time they will look for those with their fruit on there corners, swill wait with patience’s.
Thank you Rico for your response to my concern on Job and the Book of Jasher. I understand YHVH’s character and covenant with His people… Since my first comment I have looked into the book of Jasher that I have never heard of other than reading over it as it was spoken of in Scripture.
May YAHWEH continue to guide you and us all in His Holy Truth and Word.
thankyou for your timely and thoughtful answer…Always appreciate your time, effort and abillity to be open to answer questions to someone as new as me….everyone was saying God bless America this past weekend well I was saying what about America Bless God? Thats why I live Torah not that I have to but I want too.Y’shua is the Door to the tabernacle and I pray that myself and as many people that I can touch in my life awaken,we are in a battle.The War is won but the skirmishes are stronger then people realize…Im wondering if Im a priest of War? Is that possible, Why does Holy spirit tell me to take Yoke(Y’shua Torah to the pagan christians and heathens). Is it possible I have a differ calling?Or am I just too much of a baby in this walk and being too zealous? Im confused….
Hello Brother Steak guy,
I have felt this same feeling for 3 years as far as taking Torah to Christians and with very little success. Finally, through counsel with some Torah teachers I have realized that it is YHWH’s job and on my youtube channel I have noticed that only people that are ready will listen. Most close their ears because they are not ready. I have been blessed recently by several people are open to the message and I point them to some fundamental teachings. I have to fight the urge to give them too much too fast and wait for them to ask questions. Rico has been a good teacher of being mature and always learning and growing.
Shabbat Shalom Rico,
I am currently listening to part 1 of this weeks Torah portion and I am concerned… as you are reading from the book of Yasher? It does not sound as though it is in agreement with the Book of Job as Scripture says that Job was a perfect and upright man who feared YAWEH. How could Job have been perfect, upright, feared the LORD and cursed the Hebrews? This does not make sense to me.
Maybe I responded to prematurely and I will finish the teaching. I hope that there is an explanation because how do we know that this book of Yasher is correct?
Seeking His Truth,
You have to remember that we are quite sure about the time frame about the time when Job lived and the book of Yasher gives us an indication. I always put the Torah above anything else but you would have to agree that according to the character of Yah in Scriptures and how faithful He is to his covenants with his people the book of Job makes you wonder why would YHVH allow Satan to afflict Job. It makes it Yah look like a puppet master and I know that is not HIS character as our creator. So I do understand that many people are righteous people that do make the wrong decision and also do Lashon Hara which is the evil tongue and when someone speaks against Israel I know that YHVH is our shield and Protector. So I began to look for research as to why would Job suffer and I believe that Job gave bad advise against the People of the Covenant then consequences will come that persons way. Job make a huge mistake in speaking bad about Israel. So, we know that when we break the commandments we open the door to Strong judgement. I not asking people to believe anything I say just search it out. but please understand that Scriptures is always the authority in our life and walk.
I am confused about your statement that Job committed Lashon Hara. All I read that Job said in the book of Yasher towards the children of Israel was “So Job said to the king, Behold all the inhabitants of the land are in thy power, let the king do as it seems good in his eyes.” Did Job commit Lashon Hara because of his indifference, because he did not defend Israel as Jethro did? Because now I wonder about Job, is it one of YHVH mysteries as to why Job was afflicted? Verse 1:1 in the book of Job reads that he was “blameless and upright” and another translation reads that he was “a perfect and straight man.” Verse 1:8 from the Creator’s mouth says the same thing. If I read Yasher I see how Balaam gave the king the idea to throw the children in the water, but it was the king who made the proclamation “Every male child born to the Hebrews from this day forward shall be thrown into the water.” My point is I haven’t read where Job speaks against the children of Israel. I read in Yasher where the king did according to the words of Balaam, not Job. Am I missing something? Thank you so much for your faithfulness in teaching the Word of our Creator. Omar N. husband of April
Watch this video that Rico did concerning this very topic for clarity.
Thank you Victor for posting the video. I see now where my confussion is. What Rico said in the youth video does line up with what he read from Yasher. I see that now, I found it in my copy as well. I got confused because in part 1 of this current Torah portion starting at about the 27th minute Rico was reading from Yasher and after the reading what he said didn’t make sense to me or line up with what was read. I hope what I said makes sense, I’ve only read up to the 14th chapter in Yasher and jumped up to the 67th chapter so I could follow along in the video. Didn’t see where in the 66th chapter Job spoke evil against the children of Israel. Thank you again for the respone and posting the video. I am not trying to be trouble, just want to understand. Thank you, and thank you Rico. Omar N. husband of April
Shalom Mr.Cortes,
I totally agree with you about mingling the worship of our creators kingdom. But my question which has been put on my heart from the beginning when I first met you last year in Medford Oregon …what about the great commission? Aren’t we supposed to be knocking on their doors not waiting for them to come to our door? I want to serve Messiah and do whats right. Have I been seeded wrong to a have a heart for people that don’t have a covenant of faith (pre christian)/ and people that have a covenant of faith (Christian) to learn more truth that a covenant of obedience and service with love like I have graciously been shown by my creator and king? Do you believe as a Yisralite Levite that I am should be going church to church, door to door speaking of the true Messiah Y’shua Moschiach or do I be in a cave learning and wait for people to come to me?…I say this with a tone of I truly want to learn truth…Love you Mr.Cortes I thank Yah for you my brother….
I think that when we live Torah and continue to walk in the Hebraic lifestyle people naturally ask what you do. This happens to me all the time so is not by what I say but how I live and walk with Yah and how my family reflect whom I serve.
I totally understand how you feel. For some reason when I have asked Rico and other Messianic teachers this same question they all say the same thing. We had a Talk Torah study group in the area I used to live in and we would invite people. We would often get people who would just want to argue and then we would also get many people who were sincere. It was quite successful and we had good fellowship of a core group. We did have a fall out from a local Messianic congregation that was “ONE House” based and they encouraged people not to attend our study anymore. This split the group which was unfortunate. If you have a heart to serve I would consider starting your own study group and inviting Chrisitans that you know (not recruiting out of a church) and doing something rather than nothing (it will make you feel purpose in your walk). Heck go door to door if YHWH lays it on your heart just remember that it will not be easy. Rico once told me when I asked him the same question that you had…He said “It’s not time” (that was a couple years ago and I think more and more people are ready now) I didn’t get what he meant by that at the time but I had to do something (youtube). What Rico said on Midrash is so true if you are arguing they are not listening and your wasting your time. Find people who are open and work with them.
May the Ruach lead you in Mashiyach Y’Shua,
You mentioned the Great Commission (as I grew up calling it). Yes, the Word instructs us to “go and teach” and to “make disciples” — this implies a willingness on my part to go where I might not have thought to go, or have chosen to go. But it also implies that when I do go where He leads me, I will encounter willing students — those people who ask questions because of what (Who) they see in me, as Rico mentions.
We are also instructed to be a “light to the nations”, yes? If we will live our lives as He instructs, where He instructs, his Light in us will simply show up — automatically, necessarily, without fail — and illuminate the area around us. It will dispel darkness, uncover sin, provide hope and direction … We don’t have to proactively bonk people over the heads with our lightbulb, figuratively speaking. In fact, when I’ve done that (usually out of uncontained excitement, but sometimes out of a spirit of defensiveness), my lightbulb-bonking has been most unsuccessful. I have lost ground and credibility rather than won a listening ear. This is difficult for me, but it’s proven consistently true. I am able to see much greater fruit when I simply “am”, and project an openness to answer questions about _why_ I live the way I do. I watch for openings, listen for questions.
I can’t get this to work, it is not that I have problems with any other website, just yours and yours is the one that I want to hear the most. Is there something that I need to do????