Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the Balak summoning Balaam to curse Israel, the beating of Balaam's donkey, the offerings by Balaam, the three oracular blessings of Balaam over Israel, the end time prophecy against Moab and Midian, and the incident of Ba'al Peor and Pinchas' skewering of Cosbi and Zimri.
One of the focus in the Nugget Portion will be on the last 9 verses of the Torah Portion with the incident at Ba'al Peor. Ba'al worship was relatively new to the Canaanite region and Israel was not prepared to deal with the issue and so they were enticed through their eyes and they stomachs into committing ritual sexual intercourse and eating meat sacrificed to idols, thus coming in covenant with Ba'al; it was only the zeal of Pinchas that spared the entire nation. Where does this leave us today? Are we too supposed to have the zeal of Pinchas and strike down those who are breaking Torah or are living in idolatry? Do we have the LEGAL right? Did Pinchas have the legal mandate? We need to know our role and duty in God's kingdom so that we do not encroach upon the duties which YHVH has assigned to others.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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55 thoughts on “Torah Portion Balak Complete”
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Rico…. Shalom! Thanks for the great insight on how the Elohim of Israel makes a distinction between His Temple worship versus the Pagan Temple worship. The pagan priest and diviners would read and study the sacrificed animal’s entrails while YHWH stated in His Torah “the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the flanks, and the caul above the liver, with the kidneys, it shall he take away”. This further brings more insight into YHWH’s temple service.
Bruce Olson
Shalom Bruce
thanks so much for tuning in. I am learning a lot and I am glad I had a chance to share it.
The theory of Job cannot be true because oF Ezekiel 14:14 and 14:20. It lists Noah, then Daniel, then Job. We know in Hebrew Scripture that names are always mentioned in age order. Therefore, Job would not have been around during the Torah, In addition, the fact that Job had to sacrifice for his children everyday showed that they were wicked. Also, Jethro in Midian was 1,000 miles away. However, you did make me think and dive deeper into the Word. I do not believe the modern day Jasher is the same manuscript as the ancient one. To me the donkey represents the “wild donkey” (Genesis 16:12).
Great teaching, Brother Rico. I agree that many Hebraic Roots meetings are doing it their own way, and not according to Torah. I see too much Judaism tradition in the meetings. And would the 1st century synagogue be serving toxic food and processed sugar during Oneg???? Where can I read about the Temple Service according to Torah? Where is this book or source of learning? Shalom, DeVora Clark
Dear Rico,
We are just getting to know the place you stand, have seen just a few teachings (3?)….
Just wanted to tell you, while Torah is lovely, and the privilege of being taught right ruling is amazing, the words of admonition and the sharing of your heart at the end of the second part of this teaching were beyond words….pure adoration and worship!
We praise Yahweh for your life and the Life he offers us through your service.
Thank you so much, may He prosper your way and bless you abundantly. We identify with your heart and are joyous to see you at His feet in humility and diligence….in obedience.
Thank you Rico……keep the teachings coming!
Talmidim at His feet.
PS your Tzit tzit is an answer to our prayers
I totally get it with the book of Jasher explaining about Job, but someone confronted me about that after I was sharing this with them. Their comment was reading the first verse in “Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil”. So, their point is that how could he be judged for speaking against Israel and the very first verse says that he was perfect and upright. How can I answer that. I know that Jasher is historic value and it is not the Torah, but these other writings have their place as well.
Shalom Mr. Cortes,
Thank you for this portion. It is well received.
Regarding part one; I would gladly welcome you to the Moedim keeping small “christian church” I attend, but unfortunately the “power that be” would not have it or at least, appreciate it. I, on the other hand, do appreciate what you humbly do, and I do recognize, by the power of the Ruach, that you are meekly teaching according to Torah. Please continue in the fear and admonition of our Elohim, in Yeshua’s will and character. Thanks again.
The Brit Chadasha reading for this week is 2 Peter 2:1-22. It speaks directly about prophets for profit and gives warnings to those who know better; but return to mixing Holy with the profane as you spoke about.
Blessings on you and your house Rico,
Shalom, Joan
Wonderful teaching my brother!
May YHVH the only one we serve and Yeshua His Right Arm bless you from above and from the fruit of the earth also. May all your prayers be answered swiftly!
Please continue to pray that the covenant I made with Scarlett would rise from the death and ashes it lies in now and a stronger relationship be founded on The Solid Rock…..Yeshua!
Always in love with you and your family,
Yosef Green
This is what happens when someone who hears from Elohim but wants to win friends and influence people and tries to skirt the direct word of YHVH and choses another way to accomplish the goal of Balak. Since next weeks lesson is called Pinchas it starts with Adonai tells Moses of the great thing Pinchas has done to deflect is anger. But what he has done goes far deeper that most persons understand. 25:verse 4–8 the Israelite man brought the Midianite woman right in the midst of those who were with Moses at the entrance of the Tabernacle “The Tent of Meeting” and Pinchas grabs a spear and followes them into the tabernacle where they were defiiling it with a sex act and Piinchas put the spear through the two of them and that stop the pleg. Moses and Eleazar would have defiled themselves so had to rely upon the action of someone else.
In the teaching on Balak (I missed it so I am catching up on it), you were speaking of the Ma ToVu prayer and why it may be in siddur. One thought that came to me, maybe its in there as a token of rememberance. Maybe the reason why they put it in there, is because every time it is recited, it is a rememberance that Israel is His chosen, and NOBODY can curse them – it WILL come as a blessing. Just a thought. And, being in the beginning, remembering that, will always intensify your prayers, because you will remember who you are (and Who’s you are!)
This is a follow up to my last inquiry. If in I Chronicles chapter 1 verses 28-54 it lists the genelogy of Abraham with his sons Isaac and Ishamael given,why aren’t the sons he birthed with Keturah listed. Ishmael was born of Sarah’s handmaiden Haagar,so why aren’t the sons birthed by Keturah given any status? Is it because she’s described as a concubine? Just what was the definition and status of a concubine back in Abraham’s days? I assume that most of this has to do with the birthright(s) assigned to the offspring. Is Keturah a “strange” woman like the ones the Bible described Solomon of marrying? What’s the definition of a handmaiden? Is one state more desirable than the other? I don’t understand these things. It does mention all the childeren which Keturah bore,but then states that “Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac”. This is puzzling to me. Please reply.
Sister — you raise a lot of good questions! – some of which i had also wondered. Have you found any answers ?
Good questions. From what I have been learning about Covenants from Rico (and he has done excellent research) I think this is probably another covenant issue. Abraham was on a marriage covenant with Sarah which technically would have ended at her death. However it does not appear Abraham entered into a marriage covenant with Keturah. In Sarah’s handmaiden case she was under Sarah’s jurisdiction so to speak and Abraham told her as much when she said Hagar had to go. Isaac was the only recognized heir by both Yahveh and Abraham so he was to inherit all.
Just curious if there is some connection between Balak being the son of Zippor and king of the Moabites at the time he hired Balaam to curse Israel and Zipporah,Moses’s wife he took when he fled down to Midan after killing the Egyptian? If so, is that why Miriam spoke out against her brother marrying Zipporah? My King James Bible states that Zipporah is translated to mean a “Cushite” woman,but I’ve also heard her name translated as “Eithopian”. Which of these is correct if either? Is there a connection between the Moabites and the Midianites? I do know that Jethro,Moses’s father-in-law was one whom Moses took council from and YHVH approved of this. I also have read in the Biblical geneologies where Abraham took Keturah to “wife” after Sarah died (see Genesis 25),and Midian is listed as one of the sons she birthed to Abraham (she had 6 total).Unless I’m short of understanding,it seems that not much is written of this lineage although I do understand where these names are intermingled/intermixed with the lineage of Ishmael and Esau (see Genesis 36). It appears to me that this line too is a sibling of Isaac and possibly a cousin of Jacob/Israel. It seems that this line are the evil figs referred to in Jeremiah 24;the “mingled people/kings of the mingled people” in Ezekiel 30:5 and Jeremiah 25. Otherwise they all appear to be related to the dukes of Edom/Esau. Was Zipporah not in agreement with circumcision when she stated to Moses that “your god is a bloody god”? It was Zipporah who circumcised their 2 sons even though Moses knew the commandment and failed to perform it.YHVH sought to take his life and kill him as a result. I’m curious about this,but haven’t seen anything to support my speculations.