Torah Portion Bechalotecha Complete

Home » Torah Portion Bechalotecha Complete

Numbers 8:1-12:16

Zechariah 2:10-4:7

Behalotecha wt

This Parashah covers the construction of the Menorah, the Passover, the Levites, the grumbling in the wilderness, and more.

YHVH'S Order for the kingdom reveals the Spiritual unfaithfulness of Israel and we should learn its consequences. This Portion should be an example for us of what not to do in the dispersion. More than ever we as a people should trust our Maker for His protection and ability to provide during the hard times.

This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.

  • 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
  • ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
  • Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
  • 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
  • Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah

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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

48 thoughts on “Torah Portion Bechalotecha Complete”

  1. I also must (hesitantly) add although I don’t want to be argumentative as I’m not a learned individual, but I don’t believe the Pesach is a “sin offering”. I’m not sure of all the ramifications, but at least with the initial Pesach, the only ones who were at risk were the bachor–the first-born (maybe the first fruits ?) And wasn’t the national sin sacrifice offered at yom kippurim ? Just food for thought

    1. dailyseeker, Do you have more info??? Behold the Lamb of Yah, who takes away the sin of the world sounds like a sin offering. Maybe I do not understand something!?!?! Shalom and Thanks for any clarity. =)

    2. The “sin offering” is not only a type of offering, but also an set of instructions on how to offer an offering. The sin offering was generally eaten unless the blood was brought into the tent of meeting; in which case the whole sacrifice was to be burned. The Torah never actually states which type of offering the Pesach lamb was (Burnt, Sin, Trespass, Peace, or Grain) although we know it wasn’t a burnt or grain offering…

      That being said, Yeshua’s sacrifice was in the manner of the Pesach and both the goat L’YHWH and L’Azazel of Yom Kippur. The goat L’YHWH was sacrificed in the manner of the sin sacrifice and since it’s blood was taken into the set-apart place, it was taken outside the camp and burned. This is why the book of Hebrews, in chapter 13, talks about Yeshua suffering outside the gate (in doing so He also became the Red Heifer sacrifice as well).

      Hope that helps some,

  2. This may not be significant, but it struck a chord with me–Rico mentioned that this portion is sadly a picture of Israel today, wanting to go back to the slavery of mitzraim/christianity. As I was reading along with him in the Hebrew, I noticed that the word for “coriander” is “gad”. Never noticed that before. So what I gleaned from the reading is that the children of Israel rejected the seed of gad, and wanted to return from whence they came. 😕

  3. Thank you Rico, Hope you have a great trip, you and your family will be in many prayers.

    Notes from the Torah Portion;
    Part 1, First 10 minutes
    Menorah, candle stick, shaped as an Almond tree,
    Hebrews 13:8-13
    After Yeshua died; the scarlet thread no longer turned white, the lot for the scapegoat no longer fell to the right (side), the temple doors opened of themselves (80 feet tall) and the veil was rented….

    There were 2 veils in the temple. The first veil was before the Holy Place where the Menorah was and the second veil was before the Holy of Holies where the arc/mercy seat were.

    Both the Talmud and Josephus (Vol 6, 299) state that the first veil was torn. This revealed the Menorah (Tree of Life, Light of the World) and symbolized access to eternal life again.

    @10 mts.
    Levites started training at 25 yrs of age for 5 years and officiated in temple service between 30 and 50 years of age. For the Cohen’s, age was not directly addressed.

    @21 to 30 mts. Circumcision discussed.

    @30:31 mts Chapter 10:35-36
    Letter נ (nun) discussed.
    Form of a fish, symbolizes quickening of life, numerical value of 50, Jubilee and Freedom.
    Recommended reading Monte Judah’s article The Jots and The Tittles.

    Part 2
    Chapter 11 This relates to our current condition in the camp during the final days…
    Num 11:16 70 Elders, Num 11:26 Plus 2 more
    Luke 10:1 72 chosen to go out

    Today some preachers look for the masses, YHVH looks for the remnants… If a preacher can’t handle 50 in the congregation, he won’t be given more to be a leader of.

    Today YHVH is establishing order – right now.

    Be careful how you speak of the leadership.

    Moses loved his people enough to intercede on their behalf… Learn to exercise mercy and grace on behalf of others…

  4. Sin offering??? Yeshua performed one offering that will never be repeated in the Mellinial Kingdom……The Passover Lamb. Specifically, the “National Lamb”. There were thousands and thousands of lambs slaughtered, but there was always one special lamb that was in the temple, watched by the leaders and High Priest. It was always sacrificed after all the other lambs were individually offered. This final sin offering was for the Nation as a whole. When the high priest completed this offering he would say the words….”It is finished” Yeshua uttered the same words…obviously!

    It will not be offered in the kingdom as His blood was perfect as Yochanon proclaimed, behold the Lamb of Yah who takes away the sin of the world. He was perfect and that blood does not need to be offered again. Does it mean there is no more sin offerings? No it means that the blood of the Lamb now cleans us and we can once again be presented before the King. We can now be restored to the Father. Are we perfect? No, and if we mess up or become unclean as in the case of the Nazir, we need to still offer a sin offering. Not for Salvation though! There are still sin offerings for unintentional sin. Yeshua paid for willful defiant sin. The shake your fist at Yah and say I hate you level of sin. There is no offering that we can offer for that. If the National passover lamb was accepted, Israel would be forgiven for their defiant sin.

    Shaul did not compromise his understanding by sacrificing for the Nazarite vow, in fact, he just confirmed the Torah is still relevant for us today and it has not been done away with. The mellinial temple still has the brazen alter. Of course not all offering are for sin, there were thanksgiving offerings, 1st born offerings etc. But what happens when the Nations who are not getting rain come to Israel to repent for their actions……they will offer a sin offering I would think.

    As for the priesthood being done away with, we have to look at how the apostles made every effort over and over decades later to keep the feasts and meet in the temple. Until the Melchizedek priesthood is set up and functioning, we will still be correct to obey the Leviticaly run alters. There is no SIN in obeying the word and structure commanded. Let Yah, set up the Melchizedek system before we do away with the other that He also set up. If He never sets it back up then great. But if the alter is set back up in Israel before then, it would be wise to not come against it. Save the passover lamb offering as I do not think you can do better that Yeshua. Just remember He did not complete every type of sin offering, but a specific “most important” sin offering. The one that has kept us from the Father for several thousand years.

    Again, when the Melchizedek Priesthood is set up, we will move to that system. Until that happens, we are to be obedient to the Levitical system. Similar to calling Yeshua “King” when right now He sits at the “right hand” of the King would be premature. He is High Priest right now and not serving as King yet. So yes He has done things to set up the Melchizedek Priesthood, but it does not appear to be functioning just yet….. Is it?


  5. Would sacrificing a Lamb on the altar for sin be an abomination to YHWH?
    Maybe it would be an abomination that causes desolation? I’m being serious, I hope I am not showing too much ignorance of the sacrificial system…

    1. No Way! The alter is a pattern of the heavenly temple. Many offerings were made….sin offerings, thanksgiving offerings, 1st born offerings etc. The morning and evening sacrifice is a lamb if I am not mistaken. While I’m sure preachers teach that is is an abomination to do animal sacrifices and keeping easter and putting up christmas trees are fine, I would have to differ. There are no scriptures calling any normal sacrifices to be an abomination other than when Israel did it with the wrong heart. Until Yeshua sets up a different alter in the Melchizedek order, we must keep doing what He set up. If He sets up another Levite alter before the Mechizedek system, you would do well to support and obey. How can you sin in obedience.

      Need another example??? OK, Yeshua is the king of kings right? Well not really, He sits at the right hand of the King. So technically He is not ruling on a throne is Israel. We all know He will, but until He does, He is still the High Priest, serving the King. So doing away with the Levitical before He sets up the Melchizedek is like calling Him King while He is still acting as High Priest….It’s just a bit premature.

      Abomination that causes desolation???? Only to some preachers, YHVH does not change.

  6. “There will be animal sacrifices in the temple that Yeshua builds upon His return to earth. “??????? – Brother Ryan White

    Can you please explain this statement above. What sacrifices and what temple are you referring to?? John, an annointed apostle, speaks to us concerning the New Jerusalem, not temple, that will be brought to earth after the old heaven and earth passes away. It is written (Revelation 21:1-4): Then I saw the new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw th Holy City, “the New Jerusalem”, coming down out of heaven from YHVH, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying “Now the dwelling of YHVH is with men, and He will live with them. They will be his people, and YHVH himself will be with them and be their Elohim. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. It is also written (Revelation 21:22-27) I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord YHVH Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of YHVH gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written int he Lamb’s book of life.

    Animal sacrifices will be one of the considered “old order of things” when the “New Jerusalem” NOT temple, enters the earth. Yahushua was the perfect lamb without defect and that perfect lamb which has already been sacrificed will be sacrificed no more for “it is done!”

    1. Shalom Sancheja,

      John, a Levitical priest and apostle of Yeshua, did indeed speak to us concerning the New Jerusalem and not the temple. In fact, John really doesn’t mention much of what happens on earth between the time when Yeshua returns and when Satan is released from the bottomless pit, 1000 years later. Since I don’t know you, I am making an assumption that you come from a Christian background and probably one that teaches that the so called “old testament” is completely fulfilled and that all future prophecy is handled in the so called “new testament”. This is simply not true, the Tanakh (old testament) is filled with prophecies concerning the Messiah which will be fulfilled upon His second coming.

      Zechariah 14 is the most shining example of such. If you wish to know exactly what happens when Yeshua returns, read this chapter. You will notice in verse 16, that everyone who is left from all the nations which attacked Jerusalem (and thus attacked Yeshua) is required to come to Yerushalayim each year to celebrate the feast of Sukkot, and if they do not, they will be punished with no rain. These are not immortal saints that are being described here; they are mortals, sinners who did not die during the Great Tribulation. They are left in a destroyed world but a world where the influences of Satan are bound away. Man is perfectly capable of sinning without Satan being around.

      Now, did you know that the one of the requirements of the Messiah is that he build the temple? Zechariah 6:12-13, “And speak to him, saying, ‘Thus says YHWH of Armies, saying, behold, the Man whose name is THE BRANCH. And He shall spring up out of His place, and He shall build the temple of YHWH. Even He shall build the temple of YHWH; and He shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule on His throne. And He shall be a priest on His throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between the two of them'”. This obviously has not yet occurred.

      Now, where is this temple described? Why Ezekiel chapters 40-48. This is the temple that will be built after Yeshua returns to earth and will stand until the “New Jerusalem” enters the earth after Death and Hades are cast into the Lake of Fire. Ezekiel 40-48 is much too long to quote here, but as I mentioned in my original posting, I have written an article that goes through all 8 chapters individually and shows how the temple being described can only exist during the 1000 year reign of Messiah. One thing that I learned since I wrote that article is that the dimensions of the temple described in Ezekiel would not even fit on the temple mount. It will only fit after the geography of the earth is changed as described in Revelation, Isaiah, and several other books by the great earthquake that occurs during the Great Tribulation. Again, here is the link to the article I wrote, please check it out. If I’m wrong about it, prove me wrong scripturally and I will change it

      Lastly, Yeshua was the perfect lamb. He died to redeem Israel, He died to atone for the altar and the Set-Apart place on which were recorded in blood, the unintentional sins (chattah & avon) of corporate Israel, He resurrected (i.e. escaped from death) to atone for the transgressions, the rebellious sins (pesha) of Israel. There is no longer a need for a Pesach lamb, a goat for YHWH, and a goat for Azazel, which is why these sacrifices are not mentioned in Ezekiel 40-48. There is still a need for personal sacrifice for atonement and for thanksgiving and corporate sacrifice for the same reasons. However, because of our disobedience this privilege has been taken away.

      Let me explain that statement: The Hebrew word that is translated as ‘sacrifice’ is korban from the root word Karav which means “to draw near (to YHWH)”. These animals where going to die either way, either as a regular meal, or as a sacrifice, which generally meant a meal as well. Israel knew that the life of the animal was in the blood as this was told to Noah. They also knew that YHWH was the Giver of life. Thus, a sacrifice was not about the death of the animal, as modern theologians suppose, but was about the giving of life to the Creator as a way to draw near to Him, since sin separates us from Him (Isaiah 59:2). YHWH, in His infinite mercy, allowed Israel to bring these gifts of life to within a few hundred feet of where His Shekinah dwelt in order to re-establish the broken connection. If you look at all the times that sacrifices are mentioned, you’ll notice that the Name used is YHWH (attributes of mercy), not Elohim (attributes of judge and ruler). I am putting the finishing touches on a paper that discusses animal sacrifices in depth and really puts them into a Hebraic perspective. When I am finished, I’ll post a link to it here (it will be put up on my website and on the Wisdom in Torah Forums).

      One more little verse for you to look at: Hebrews 8:4. Notice that it says that, at the time the letter was written, there were priests who offer gifts (i.e. korbanote/sacrifices) in accordance with the Torah, and that if Yeshua was on earth, He would not be a priest.

      Well, I hope this helps. If I’m wrong, please show me through scriptures that I am so that I can change. I will try to check back here for your response, but I normally just monitor the forums, so if I don’t respond again, please either post something on the forums or email me at


  7. Brother Cortes,
    Just curious. How do you know that you are of the tribe of Levi. Did you trace your ancestry 1000’s of years back or did you perform the DNA Y Chromosone test that could verify this or “do you just know because you feel that you are.” Can you prove it according to Jewish law? I have been trying to trace my ancestry and it has been difficult. Please advise.

  8. Shalom AbbasGirl,

    Sha’ul most certainly did pay for animal sacrifices for the Nazarite vow. Christianity has a HUGE misunderstanding about animal sacrifices. Read Ezekiel chapters 40-48 and then check out the article I wrote over those chapters: There will be animal sacrifices in the temple that Yeshua builds upon His return to earth.

    The misunderstanding comes from Christianity not studying the sacrificial system and just assuming its “done away with since we don’t sacrifice right now. The only reason why we do not sacrifice is because there is no temple. Yeshua did not die in the manner of all the sacrifices, he died in the manner of the Passover, the Red Heifer, and the Yom Kippur sacrifices. A sin offering really is just a manner in which the offering is sacrificed. When the book of Hebrews talks about Yeshua being the sin sacrifice, it is specifically referring to the sin sacrifice that was offered on Yom Kippur through the goat L’YHWH (for the Lord). All through the year, when Israel brought their individual sacrifices, the blood was sprinkled on the altar and on the veil. The goat, L’YHWH was sacrificed to atone for the sins that were recorded on the altar and on the veil. This sacrifice atoned for the unintentional sins (chattah and avon). The goat L’Azazel that lived was to atone for the willful, rebellious sin which is why it was both Yeshua’s death and resurrection that rebelled for all of our sins.

    Another way to think of it is this: Yom Kippur covered corporate Israel’s sin via the two goats, and yet individual’s still had to bring individual offerings. Much the same, we still are required to bring individual offerings in the presence of a temple, but our corporate sacrifice for redemption, purification, and atonement is through Yeshua. This is why in Ezekiel’s temple, the Passover sacrifice is a bull instead of a lamb and there is no mention of Yom Kippur (other than the fact that the priest’s every day garb is described to be in the same manner as Yom Kippur).

    I just finished an 8 page paper discussing the true meaning of the animal sacrifice and I’ll be posting it in a day or two. If you are interested, I can email you the link once its posted.


    NOTE: this is also posted on the forum, please use the forum for further discussion!!

  9. Barbara Giffin

    Nasso was so very informative! It took me 7 (seven) days to listen and write it all down. I cannot thank you enough, I thank Yahuwah over and over for you and all the teachers because I am learning so much. May He bless your trip and let it be FRUITFUL. Shalom, Shalom.

  10. a little late with my question: was Sh’aul’s vow a Nazarite vow in Acts? When he went up to the temple [with the other four under a vow] did he offer all the offerings commanded in Numbers 6? Isn’t Yeshua THE sin offering? so what did Sh’aul do in that case? He was the consummate Torah keeper after Yeshua….wouldn’t the once-for-all sin offering nullify the need to offer that Nazarite commanded part of all those many offerings? I didn’t know ‘where’ on your site to ask this and so started with Victor who also sent a very good answer, but said you may have more on this. Shalom to you and yours…..thank you so very much for these Torah portions!! and thanks in advance for help with this question.

  11. Brother my spirit told me about circumsision about 6 monthes ago and you confirm it. I am not worried about it I am glad that I can do this to show my faith to my Father that His ways are perfect. What HE is doing in my life right now is so blessed, and I will take what I am learning to my bros and sisters they are hungry for the truth. God Bless and have a nice trip. Shalom !!

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