
Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers many important aspects of the law code. One of things we study her is in regards to the reason of why Yeshua needed to be resurrected for the kingdom to be restored.
We will also be covering a variety of the ancillary commandments contained within this portion. Many of the commands had to do with increased rights for women when understood in light of ANE culture. Also of high interest is the command in Deut 22:9 that states that a field of mixed seeds becomes kadash...
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- “The Prohibition on Restoration of Marriage in Deuteronomy 24” by Raymond Westbrook. Accessed at: http://www.wisereaction.org/ebooks/westbrook.pdf. Originally published in Studies in Bible, Scripta Hierosolymitana Vol. 31, (ed. S. Japhet, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1986) 387-405.
- “Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible” by David Instone-Brewer (Book)
- "The NIV Application Commentary: Deuteronomy" by Daniel I. Block (Book)"
- To Go and Marry Any Man That You Please” by Shalom E. Holtz. Published in Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 60 No. 4 pp. 241-258
- Middle Assyrian Laws: http://jewishchristianlit.com/Texts/ANElaws/midAssyrLaws.html
- GUARDING THE PARENTS’ HONOUR—DEUTERONOMY 21.18-21 Resource used in Torah Nugget
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72 thoughts on “Torah Portion Ki-Tetze Complete”
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Rico, What bible version do you use?
Rico, this teaching was absolutely awesome! A lot of wisdom in this teaching. I am a little mad that the church is not teaching this kind of things. We went to a christian marriage conference two weeks ago and they where talking the same thing over and over, but they never explain why is so important the marriage as a prophetic picture because they don´t know Torah. I wish the people could understand the importance of the Torah and the office of Mashiach, but most of the people stock in “Love God and your neighbor as yourself” and they thing the only they have to do.
Excellent Rico!!!! After reading this weeks Torah parashah, I was a little apprehensive to hear your teaching. But this was amazing! Thank you so much!
NOW i understand why Yeshuah had to come from the tribe of Yahudah (judah), b/c this was the only tribe from the 12, who was not not cast off from YHWH b/c of David, according to 1 Kings 11:13. I have heard many Jews say that they’re the chosen ones b/c of their faithfullness to YHWH, but this is false Jewish pride, for all have fallen short, for even David sinned against ELohim. It is only b/c of YHWH that any of us is restored to the Abraham covenant in Moshiach. I understand now that we are the Bride of Moshiach, betrothed to Him that accept Yeshua as our Messiah. YHWH is regathering His peoples into the commonweath of Israel, and we shall be one Bride, Israel, His Malchut HaShamayim. Hallelujah! Thank you, Rico, for this amazing teaching:)
Victorious Spirit,
I would go ahead and make your question a new thread so that the forum will know your question is here.
Shabbat Shalom!
excellent teaching….I have put Isaiah 54 to music and it is on the cd i gave you…..what a grand promise of restoration…..
Yosef green
Shalom Rico. I have only been listening to you about a month now, and I have been so blessed by your teachings. The way you have explained the scriptures. connecting it all together as it should be.
Thank you, and I praise Yahweh for leading me to your teachings.
I’ve heard this teaching by Rico a few times, and I always understood what he is teaching. But,this year I ran in to a question. A blood covenant in particular and covenants in general end when one of the parties dies. Yeshua makes a New Covenant with His disciples at “The Last Supper”, but then dies and is resurrected. Does not His death end this “New” covenant? Do we see Him reinstitute this “New” covenant after His resurrection? And Hebrews 9 implies that covenants are only valid after the death of one party.
Hebrews 9:16-17 16 For where a covenant is, there must of necessity be the death of the one who made it. 17 For a covenant is valid only when men are dead, for it is never in force while the one who made it lives.
Is this covenant something different?
What am I understanding that is wrong?
Shalom Rick
The explanation of Yahshua’s sacrifice in the part 2 was very exciting, filled me with passion, and really gave me a better understanding of my saviors sacrifice. thanks brother rico. may Yahweh keep using you shalom! HALELUYAH
It is very interesting to get teaching on how to understand Jeshua’s death and resurrection. For me the Word is being revealed for me all the time. Sometime it’s too much, but I know that all this teaching takes time to consume so at last the Truth of the Holy Word can be a part of you.
You were talking about divorce from Deuteronomy 24, 1-4. But I get confused because Jeshua says in Matthew 19, 9 that a man or a woman cannot get married after being divorced. This is what I have been taught all the years as a christian. I would appreciate if you could give me some clarity to this, because it’s something I have been thinking about for many years.
Rico, I wish you and your familiy Savua Tov. I greet you with Psalms 91.
Best regards, Irene
Shalom Rico, abed (servant) of Moshiach יהושּׁע (Yahushua) by יהוה (Yahuweh) our deliverer, and Moshiach יהושּׁע (Yahushua) our hope.
Baruch atah יהוה Eloheinu Malekh ha olam who has given us of His truth – Torah – by His Ruach (the breath of the Special One) and has shown His abed (servant) the things that you have been enlightened with.
Ahmein to all that you have shared re the parsha, Ki Tetze. This has also been shown to us over some time, and it is “AMAZING” in our eyes. I have heard many try and explain this, but Yahuweh has given you the tongue to expound in such a way, that it is clear and flows. I think many will be able to come to this understanding by viewing these video clips and then going away and studying.
Now this is all so exciting is it not? Wow! Truly our El reigns.
You mentioned the ‘Sotar’, and how Yahushua became that Sotar on our behalf by drinking the bitter water. I actually had not seen it like that before. I had understood that ‘we’ were ‘STILL’ the sotar –or still experiencing the consequences in the galut of being that Sotar until the day of our final redemption, salvation, and marriage. For we know we are all ‘working out our salvation with fear and trembling’ (not: once saved always saved), and that we are sealed unto the day of ‘redemption’ (not fully redeemed yet) by the Breath of the Special One. We know that when Yahuweh gathers us back to the land, from all the nations, it is then that He will sprinkle clean water on us and we will be clean from all our uncleanness and from all our idols. It is then that He will give us a new heart and put a new spirit within us; taking the stony heart away and giving us a heart of flesh. Yechezk’El 16:24-32, but all 16.
It’s sort of like what Sha’ul says in Qorintiyim Aleph 13: 12 (even though it is not to do with what we are talking about, and yet it is in a way). “For now we see obscurely in a mirror, but then it will be face to face, now I know partly; then I will fully know, just a Yahuweh has fully known me”. All things are partial at present, even our reconciling to Yahuweh our husband through Yahushua, for we will not be truly reconciled to Him until I believe all things are subjected to the Son, then he will subject himself to Yahuweh, who subjected everything to him; so that Yahuweh may be everything in everyone (after the culmination, when he hands over the Kingdom to Yahuweh the Father, after having put an end to every rulership, authority and power; for he has to rule until he has put all his enemies under his feet, the last enemy being death) (after the millennium, in the 8000th year – the new beginning)
The Chassidic Masters say that Yisra’el (even the ‘whole house of Yisra’el) can never truly betray Yahuweh; at worst, she can only be like a sotah, a wife whose behaviour gives the appearance of unfaithfulness and causes a temporary rift between herself and her husband.
Yeshayahu 54 talks about the deserted wife who was barren (an adulterous wife married in her youth cannot be rejected, but He abandoned her briefly). He says that the ‘deserted’ wife
(Ephrayim/yowceph) will have more children (certainly in the galut this is true), than the woman (the house of Yahudah) ‘who is living with her husband’. He was angry with her for a moment (the wife He abandoned) and hid his face from her.
Now that I see Yahushua as the Sotar, this certainly reminds me of how our Saviour Yahuweh, King of kings and Master of all masters, hid his face from Yahushua when he was impaled on that tree. Tehillim (Psalms) 22. Yes, “He was angry with her for a moment and hid his face from her”. When Yahushua paid that penalty, Yahuweh could not look on the sin and cannot ever look on sin. Psalm 22:9(8) “He committed himself to Yahuweh, so let him rescue him! Let him set him free if he takes such delight in him”. Psalm 16:10; “for you will not abandon me to She’ol, you will not let your anointed one see the Abyss’.
‘to the Lamb slaughtered before the world was founded’. Hazon 13:8. This would be another subject for another time no doubt, but concerning Yisra’el, Yahudim, and Goyim, if we don’t know who Yahuweh is talking about when He says Yisra’el was divorced (who is Epharyim), if we don’t understand what Yahuweh promised to Avraham by saying, ‘you will be a father of many nations’ or what Ya’acob said to Yowceph by saying about Ephrayim being the ‘fullness of the gentiles’ – then we won’t know “who” we are and in turn, we won’t know “why” we are supposed to be who we are pre destined to be! The Teshuvah simply will not fully come until dispersed Yisra’el recognises their ‘Hebraic’ adultery, not their ‘christian sin'(the one where one repents of their sin, but has not a clue as to what the Torah says “is” sin and what that sin was)
It was only Yisra’el’s prostitution and whoring that Yahushua took upon himself – (Rico, that’s something else I had not seen – Yahushua standing in the place of Avraham that day – wow!). Yahushua only came for the lost sheep of the house of Yisra’el, he only came to ‘his own’, there was only one reason why he had to die, and only one reason why he had to be resurrected. Amazing! Is it not amazing once you come into the understanding, and yes I say ‘the understanding’ as if it were some great discovery, because when you ‘get’ this discovery, you now know that the pages from B’rsheeth to Hazon are all, and only all, filled with Yahuweh’s determined purpose to redeem back to himself those that He called to be ‘His People’; no Yahudite, no Goy (Gowy # 1471, B’rsheeth 48:19 concerning the descendants of Ephrayim) or (akrobustia # Strongs 0203, basically meaning: those who threw their circumcision away), only ‘Yisra’el’. What `Adam did, as Rico you have said, was to say, ‘She did it!” And so our fall began, but then what Yahshua did, as you said, was to say, ‘I’ll take her place and pay the price’.
In Ephesians 1:4, “In the Moshiach He (Yahuweh) chose us in love before the creation of the universe to be qadosh and without defect in His presence. 5.He determined in advance that through Yahushua Ha Moshiach we would be his sons – in keeping with His pleasure and purpose – to the praise of the esteem of His ‘Charis’ (#5485 Strongs), wherein He has made us accepted in the beloved”.
If those who are called Yisra’el are all ‘pre-determined’ before the creation of the universe, and the lamb was slaughtered on our behalf before the world was founded, then, like kosher food ‘only’ is considered ‘food’ in the written word and in Yahuweh’s eyes (and unclean food is not considered food in Yahuweh’s eyes), Yisra’el is the ‘only’ people, past/present/future. You are either determined to be Yisra’el or not to be Yisra’el. Mishlei (proverbs) 16: 4; “Yahuweh made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of disaster”.
may Yahuweh bless you all and keep you, may He make His face shine upon you all and be gracious unto you. May we all grow in the wisdom,knowledge and understanding of Yahuweh through following afer His Son Yahushua by the breath of the special one.
Thank you Rico, That was Grrrrrrrreat! So simple, once you explained it… 🙂