Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the final instruction on the tabernacle, the incident of the golden calf, Mosheh's intercession, and the giving of the 2nd set of tablets
This is the abomination that our forefathers committed at the foot of the mountain of YHVH. We need to learn that the camp of Yah is holy, and the people who saw the cloud, the Red Sea open, and the manna fall from heaven, still worshiped other god. What will happen to us, who have never seeing any of those miracles? May the mercy of our father be always with us, and I pray that our Messiah will always stand up for us as we repent and search our hearts.
In the nugget we will discuss a few underlying legal principles found within the chapters concerning the Golden Calf.
Have you ever wondered why it was a "calf" that the Israelites chose to fashion as the image of a bull?
Why is it that not all the Israelites were killed for partaking in the incident?
Is this a sinful act considered to be ma'al or willful trespass against YHWH?
What is the connection in chapter 34 to the golden calf and the "jealousy of YHWH"?
Lastly, we will also see the parallels between Yeshua and Mosheh and the restoration of God's honor.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- Jealousy of YHWH
- Power Point
50 thoughts on “Torah Portion Ki Tisa Complete”
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Great Torah portion! Thank you for all your dedication to teaching YAH’s Word.
One question/comment. As we studied through Exodus 32, it struck us that perhaps YHVH was also testing Moses. YHVH told Moses that He would annihilate the people and make a great nation of Moses (v 9-10). If Moses had been prideful, he could have taken this path. Instead, Moses pleaded before YHVH on behalf of the people and showed himself to be a true mediator and servant. He recounted YHVH’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel).
Thoughts? Have you explored this aspect of these verses?
Shabbat Shalom
Great Torah portion! Thank you for all your dedication to teaching YAH’s Word.
One question/comment. As we studied through Exodus 32, it struck us that perhaps YHVH was also testing Moses. YHVH told Moses that He desired to annihilate the people and make a great nation of Moshe (v 9-10). If Moses had been prideful, he could have taken this path. Instead, Moses pleaded before YHVH on behalf of the people and showed himself to be a true mediator and servant. He recounted YHVH’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel).
What are your thoughts?
Shabbat Shalom
Toda Rico, the name for the prayer you were looking for is “Jabez” ‘Because I bore him in pain’ 1st Chron. 4:9-10, How awesome it is to be able to have the permission to go before the throne of the KING YHWH.
Names and not numbers, every name is from Him given from above.
I’ve heard some mention Dale C. about making friends and such. He (Dale C) teaches much that comes from Torah.
Psalm 139 is where I go to for rememberance of Love from Him.
Ex. 33:15 “Do let me see Your Glory” WOW !!! to be able to speak to Him like that, I so enjoy this portion of TORAH. selah
Thank you so very much What a good lesson today.
I couldn’t find the link to this week’s Torah portion. Can anyone help?
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Praise Yah for all His goodness, His faith and His love, thank you Yah – praises to You.
Enjoyed the teaching!
Regarding cooking the kid in it’s mother’s milk. This is what the pagans did before sprinkling it on the fields to ensure a bountiful harvest the next year. Kind of like spraying our crops with chemicals to grow more and bigger produce. Notice the verses Exodus 23:19 34:26 and Deuteronomy 14:21 we are told what not to eat. I believe that this is a warning about eating GMO (genetically modified organism) foods. These are foods that are engineered in the lab and enhanced with chemicals.
Also, for people that are lactose intolerant a good alternative is raw milk. Virtually all people can consume raw milk without the effects that homogenized milk has.
Yes I drink almond milk or Goat’s milk and my stomach give me no problems.
Rico, thank you for reminding us of Psalm 25. A psalm I have read quite often. I pray for mercy and favour on me and my family. to forgive the sins I know I have committed and the sins I do not have knowledge of.
I thank Yaweh for His mercy. There is no other.
Thank you Rico, I am learning to walk in torah more and more with each torah portion. I am so blessed to heare these words!
A Mighty Torah portion
Wow had to replay Rico’s reading of Ps 25 twice, Thanks Rico for waking this passage up to me.
Thank u Rico for all your wonderful insight.. you are teaching us so much!! I would love hearing from anybody that would like to grow in Messianic faith, including sharing feelings on any topic and ESPECIALLY friends of BEIT MIDRASH in Huntsville please feel free to communicate with us!!! Shalom in Yeshua. Joshua, Mandie, & Eden
Rico, This was awesome. I have so much to learn. Thanks so much!