Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the final instruction on the tabernacle, the incident of the golden calf, Mosheh's intercession, and the giving of the 2nd set of tablets
This is the abomination that our forefathers committed at the foot of the mountain of YHVH. We need to learn that the camp of Yah is holy, and the people who saw the cloud, the Red Sea open, and the manna fall from heaven, still worshiped other god. What will happen to us, who have never seeing any of those miracles? May the mercy of our father be always with us, and I pray that our Messiah will always stand up for us as we repent and search our hearts.
In the nugget we will discuss a few underlying legal principles found within the chapters concerning the Golden Calf.
Have you ever wondered why it was a "calf" that the Israelites chose to fashion as the image of a bull?
Why is it that not all the Israelites were killed for partaking in the incident?
Is this a sinful act considered to be ma'al or willful trespass against YHWH?
What is the connection in chapter 34 to the golden calf and the "jealousy of YHWH"?
Lastly, we will also see the parallels between Yeshua and Mosheh and the restoration of God's honor.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- Jealousy of YHWH
- Power Point
50 thoughts on “Torah Portion Ki Tisa Complete”
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Great parasha!!! Shabbat Shalom Ryan!
Great information and enjoy learning about essential oils.
You asked about stacte: it’s botanical name is OMMIPHORA MYRRHA from the botanical family Burseraceae (Frankincense-Myrrh family), commonly known as MYRRH. Less common names are stacte, guggal gum, or didthin.
The other item you asked about is onycha (styrax benzoin) from Indonesia, is a powerful antimicrobial used as an antiseptic in hospitals under the name of “tincture of benzoin”. It is not a true essential oil, but an absolute extracted by solvents, containing an interesting aldehyde which is a main contributor to its unique aroma: vanillin aldehyde (compound in the vanilla bean). It is good for skin, and excellent for massage. In Ex. 30:34-36, the priests would burn it as incense in the temple, keeping the atmosphere free of harmful germs, thus offering protection to the priests and other personnel, as well as to those of the public who came to offer their sacrifices and prayers to God. Amazing! (Information from David Stewart’s book, “The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple.”
DeVora Clark
I agree with you. The 7th millennium will be the 7th “day.” It will be “rest” and Lev. 26:33-35 says that desolation IS rest. YAH promised Israel that they would be “a kingdom of priests.” Rev. 20:6 says those delivered at the first resurrection will be priests. The great multitude who come out of the treat tribulation “serve HIM day and night IN HIS TEMPLE.” These are priests – from “EVERY nation, kindred, tongue and people” by the way. But priests CANNOT SERVE until “the 8th day.” That’s the 8th millennium. Your teachings are a blessing to me Rico – even though I do not agree on every point.
Rico, the liver does the cleansing of the blood for the whole body!
I understand that Aaron showed great courage to stand before Pharoah. I am trying to understand how Yah could consecrate him as high priest after he made the golden calf idol. Anyone have a good insite on this??
A phenominal Teaching. Praise YAH.
Shalom Rico
Thank yo so much for your teachings. My ABBA bless you and keep (and also your family). I have had a look at the value of the gold and silver in the Mishkan in todays terms. Not sure if anyone has done this yet? I left out the bronze.
Talents Shekels Pounds kg troy ounces $/ounce Tot
Gold 29 730 1930 875 28146 1695.2 $47,712,816.67
Silver 100 1175 6650 3016 96979 33.48 $3,246,862.50
1 troy ounces = 0.0311034768 kilograms
What book were you reading about the different spices? I don’t think you mentioned it.
Shabbat Shalom Rico and team. Thank you Rico for this Torah Parashah, thank you to all who make this possible for us to learn from. Thank you for the time of prayer at the end, this was so appropriate as we are starting to come close to Pesach. How we are learning to humble ourselves before our Creator.
YHWH has instilled in you a man that is not afraid to be a humble servant before his Creator, who is not afraid to show the tears before his Creator in front of his viewers (these are true tears from one who is in awe of his Creator), is not afraid to just stop the routine and give humble Kavod to his Creator; YHWH has instilled in you a way of teaching that is like no other I have come across, and please do not ever lose that humbleness. Right now the Lost Sheep of the House of Yisra’el need to learn how they might be accepted before their King; we have been in the galut profaning His Set Apart Name for so long, and our most Merciful and Compassionate Abba is setting up the road markers for us back to the ancient paths; He is lighting a beacon for us that is going to take us all the way home if we stay alert and pay attention. Baruch b’Shem YHWH.
P.S. I have not been watching ‘Die Hard’!!
I would agree with you there. As a very old friend used to say many years ago; “you hit the nail right on the head”.
YHWH told Mosheh to tell the children of Yisra’el that He would raise up a prophet like Mosheh, and He would put His words in this prophet’s mouth and that the children of Yisra’el were to listen to every word he spoke or be accountable for it. That prophet being Yahushua. Exactly what YHWH did for Mosheh – put His words in his mouth.
Yahushua could have fallen into temptation and taken the glory because of pride when faced with the words of ha satan, but instead chose to give Kavod to YHWH by re-establishing his Father’s word.
Mosheh brought things back into perspective by giving YHWH the Kavod as you say and being the true mediator and servant, just as the one coming after Mosheh would do. Yahushua the perfect mediator and servant, giving all the Kavod to YHWH. Thanks for that.
P.S Rico.
It does not seem to be submitting, so if it comes up twice, I apologise.
Shabbat Shalom Rico and team. Thank you Rico for this Torah Parashah, thank you to all who make this possible for us to learn from. Thank you for the time of prayer at the end, this was so appropriate as we are starting to come close to Pesach. How we are learning to humble ourselves before our Creator.
YHWH has instilled in you a man that is not afraid to be a humble servant before his Creator, who is not afraid to show the tears before his Creator in front of his viewers (these are true tears from one who is in awe of his Creator), is not afraid to just stop the routine and give humble Kavod to his Creator; YHWH has instilled in you a way of teaching that is like no other I have come across, and please do not ever lose that humbleness. Right now the Lost Sheep of the House of Yisra’el need to learn how they might be accepted before their King; we have been in the galut profaning His Set Apart Name for so long, and our most Merciful and Compassionate Abba is setting up the road markers for us back to the ancient paths; He is lighting a beacon for us that is going to take us all the way home if we stay alert and pay attention. Baruch b’Shem YHWH.
P.S. I have not been watching ‘Die Hard’!!
I would agree with you there. As a very old friend used to say many years ago; “you hit the nail right on the head”.
YHWH told Mosheh to tell the children of Yisra’el that He would raise up a prophet like Mosheh, and He would put His words in this prophet’s mouth and that the children of Yisra’el were to listen to every word he spoke or be accountable for it. That prophet being Yahushua. Exactly what YHWH did for Mosheh – put His words in his mouth.
Yahushua could have fallen into temptation and taken the glory because of pride when faced with the words of ha satan, but instead chose to give Kavod to YHWH by re-establishing his Father’s word.
Mosheh brought things back into perspective by giving YHWH the Kavod as you say and being the true mediator and servant, just as the one coming after Mosheh would do. Yahushua the perfect mediator and servant, giving all the Kavod to YHWH. Thanks for that.
Ric o, I have a small Rremnant assembly in my home . Thank you for the weekly Torah portion teaching we love you . Your humble heart inspires us to repent in our own walk , you are making us better servants by your example Shalom Aunt Linda
Have purchased from Rebecca before (Oils) & it was great doing business with her. She even made a new blend for me called “Trouble down under” (yes, I live in Australia)