Torah Portion Miketz Complete

Home » Torah Portion Miketz Complete

Genesis 41:1 - 44:17

1 Kings 3:15 - 4:1

Miketz 5785

This Parashah covers Pharaoh's two dreams and Joseph's interpretation, Joseph's rise to power over Egypt, and the visit of Joseph's brothers.

The Torah Portion Miketz is a very important portion for us to really understand. In my studies of the Ancient Near East there were patterns that were repeated all around the nations as a way to acknowledge authority. The Ancient Enthronement ceremonies were done by all the nations of the time.

The Israelite way of enthronement used elements of the ancient Egyptians and those elements are present in the story of Joseph and they help us understand to a greater degree the language used by the writers of the First Century writers specially John and Paul.

They used elements of ancient enthronement language all over the New Testament. I pray this long teaching will give you a glimpse of the amount of information we really need to learn to grasp the higher purpose of YHVH in recognizing Yeshua as the future literal king on the earth.

This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.

  • 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
  • ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
  • Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
  • 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
  • Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah

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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

41 thoughts on “Torah Portion Miketz Complete”

  1. In the ANE teaching there are just some rich nuggets! The ‘landless poor’ class of citizens as probably how the sons Abraham, Issac and Jacob were viewed as there were established cultures, cities, ‘gods’ in that region. Here come the wandering shepherds. Then we see YHVH’s emphasis on how to treat the stranger. YHVH has a LOT to say about this and even down to ONE LAW for all. Then the picture of kinship groups in general and that leads to many many potential ‘rabbit trails’ of the things we do know….how mixture always accompanied our ancestors. Mixture could be for good when the ger/stranger wanted the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.[and were circumcised to prove it!] The understanding of kinship groups that was in that culture made the Apostle Pauls’ letters immediately understandable in the first century Good weaving of truth here. Then the unwinding of who it was that regarded Yeshua cursed. Can’t go into it all as was taught, but a nugget[huge one] that is the better way of truth in how to view this. Even more reason to despise a crucifix that still leaves Him hanging.
    There are more nuggets….all to say thank you for this presentation!!!! Learning, growing, putting it together. Yes Yeshua did show us Who is worthy of honor amongst us. He is to be chosen in the life God has given us to live!! Sad in a way that He has to compete, but what rich person is sure that they are loved for self and not for their money, ability to bless etc. So He humbles Himself to compete for our hearts. May we walk and even closer path of desire to please and honor Him in all our ways also. [Everything in today’s culture speaks of patron and broker–only who we choose as the broker is key. Do we choose the broker who has influence with the politician?the head of the union?the head of the gang?Hollywood moguls?–gives new meaning to the saying ‘it’s who you know.’ That is ever true–this teaching brings out the ‘little’ choices we make in getting honor for ourselves also!!!] Thank you again.!!

  2. Thank you for a motivating message, that of striving to be in unity, for the sake of re-gathering the scattered tribes, which is of the heart of our ABBA YHWH.

    We do know the Name is vital, to know Whom we are to call upon in times of distress or need, and for salvation.

    And our brother Yahudah knows His Name is YHWH as written in their Scriptures.

    And calendar issues ought to be according to His moedim Feast Days as set in the heavenlies, and not according to man-made calendar/s.

    The main divisive issues are truly non-relevant, nor inspired, nor essential are the issues of nephilim as being “the fallen angels” playing havoc in the earth today; and the attention paid to the extra books of Enoch, Yasher, and Noach, etc…! As though these boisterous spirits have such authority, ousting the Almighty Creator’s authority would surely appear ridiculous to Torah believers.

    If we would focus on studying the Scriptures, like you have pointed out, Rico, referring to books for Hebraic meanings and such, that would be more than sufficient to give us life, relying on the Ruach within us to confirm teachings we glean from sound teachers like you.
    Also, unity will come when Torah Believers mature to the stature of completeness of YAHushua. Eph 4:13

    Applause for your stand on critical issues for unity.
    Shalom v’brachot to you.

  3. I loved the connections – all of them. Especially the identity of Benyamin and the significance of the cup and the grain – that was the icing on the cake that you served us today, Rico. Thanks so much from the scattered in Tejas!

  4. Thank you again for sharing your wonderful meal Rico. May you continue to be blessed as you as have blessed us. I have to ask, has anybody else seen these 2 videos slightly out of focus?


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