Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the giving of the law code in the Torah. Mishpatim is an important Portion for us to understand the The Judgments of How to handle ourselves with others. You Shall Love your Neighbor as your self is self evident in this portion. I know that once we understand the principles of Mishpatim then we will get a greater appreciation for the Commandments of Yah for our lives.
Many people when they study the Ancient Near East have a hard time understanding the differences between the Torah Laws and the laws of the nations like the ones by Hammurabi. Some of the Laws seem to be similar but when you research the intent and purpose of those pagan kings to enact the laws you quickly realize how much control, fear, and death dominated their legal codes.
On the other hand you have the Holy Laws of YHVH which reveal His Justice, Graciousness and Truth of His purpose and equity. I am so happy to be a servant of YHVH with the amazing opportunity to teach the righteous Commandments of my King.
We will also discuss the Messenger of YHWH found in chapter 23 of Exodus and showing a legal relationship between the word"sent"(shalach in hebrew) and the Royal Messenger of the KING. This same legal relationship will show more clarity of Yeshua being the Sent Royal Messenger of the Covenant, and also how we are sent into the world to also be messengers of the Covenant.
I pray that this research will help you stand for the Torah when someone misrepresents the words of our Heavenly King.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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36 thoughts on “Torah Portion Mishpatim Complete”
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Also: If a man lies with a virgin……in light of the story of Levi, Simeon and Dinah with Shechem, even tho God says to not make covenant with a foreigner – which commandment is greater?
Question (I’m a week behind): if an ox gores, he shall be stoned…if an ox gores habitually and owner has been warned…. (my question):if it did it at first, it would be stoned – how could the “owner be warned” and it gore again, if it was to be stoned the first time???
Chapter 23:21 ……since My name is in Him….
Interesting verse – God is speaking of the “angel” again – that will guard along the way. In the most literal sense, YHVSH and YHVH. Could it be even as simple as this?
Chapter 22:1 “…..he shall pay 5 oxen for the ox and 4 sheep for the sheep.” King David knew Torah and pronounced his own sentence to Nathan the prophet in 2 Samuel 12:1-6. David & Bathsheba’s first son, Absalom,Amnon, Adonijah
Brilliant!! Thank you for digging deep to bring us such treasures!!! I think you might enjoy the Mishpatim that Kimberly Rogers just did. Her teaching regarding the maidservant is revelatory; the bride of Meshiak!! I didn’t notice the change in head attire – good eye GWHITE!
I really enjoyed the teaching on the threshold covenant. It shed new light on Ananias and Sapphira. Interesting how “Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.” Acts 5:11
Steve Woods
Rico again Marvelous !! I can not believe how much I am coming to understand about covenants and YeHovah’s wishes for us. Thank You for following The Father’s leading.
May He Bless You mightily and Keep you and your family Shalom!
Excellent teaching, the way you bring it to life is amazing for all of us . You heart for your love for YHWH is so manifested in each teaching you do. I liked how you explained the threshold covenant and how when you go over the threshold you are saying all that the house you entered into you will obey for as long as you are in the house of the master of the house.
What I am understanding of this is that if you are living in a house with your mother and father , you are to go by the rules that they have set for you and once you leave that house , you take the rules with you if you saw that the rules were to better you in your relationship with your children when you have them.. for you are now the master of your house.
Leave father and mother and cleave unto your wife.. does not mean .. leave mother and father and forget what they taught you but to take what they have taught you and continue this trend from generation to generation so each house that is built is founded on the principles of life and not death .. I see this when Yeshua speaks in Matthew 7:24 and Luke 6:48
So what I am gathering from all of this is that .. If you do as your master says and you are his servant then when you build your house you are master of your house because a servant is like his master … Shalom Rico
I like that comment Jacqueline.
Rico! I am so glad that you said what u did about the multiple wives. I am sick of hearing about men can have more than 1. In the garden Father gave Adam Chava, not chava, missy, julie, and susie. He said to cling to His WIFE singular not plural. And just like you said, Abraham and Sarah was to have children and not Hagar. That was human reasoning on how to help YHWH out with the promise. Just because the men in that culture did that, it doesnt mean that is what Father intended. Also, Moshiac is coming for His Bride, singular not plural. That is the example He set. You got to remember these guys came out of a culture that allowed that and there were men that had multiple wives already so that is why Father had to give instructions on how to treat multiple wives. Also the deal with selling the daughter. If the man had a debt that he couldnt pay, he would sell(which I think is a bad translation) his daughter, more like let her work off the debt for a period of time, I think I read 6yrs. and then she went back home. More like employees and not slaves like u think of the way that the black people were treated. That was not right for sure. Any way I hope that helps. I think that You are a keeper Rico! It is so obvious that your heart is to serve YHWH. Baruch atah YHWH. keep up the good work. We are all learning together.
Really loved this weeks teaching.
The connection of the Threshold Covenant with that of the modern “red carpet” treatment and Bond-servant and that of taking of a virgin was really eye opening.
Thank you Rico
PS. Did anyone notice his change in head attire throughout the 3 videos besides me? ^__^
Hehe 😉 I noticed. It’s one of those things that make Rico, “Rico”, don’t you think? Head attire in the last two videos of Torah Portion Mishpatim last week were different than the first.
Although I hardly notice because I was so engrossed in the teaching…excellent! 🙂
I do not know if I am the only one, but usually when I am listening to teachings I just hear information, facts and nuggets. When I listen to you teach, it is as if you are presenting the “love of your life” to the world just after getting back from a honeymoon…Showing her off and delighting in her.
I have never heard anyone who inspires and draws me closer to the creator than you do. You have been a bright light and salty to the taste. Thank you for everything you do and I pray YHVH richly blesses the fruit of your hands!
Rico – thanks for that clarification that Yeshua was partaking in a covenant meal during the Last Supper. I was one that had questions of whether this meal was actually a Passover meal or not. But, what makes sense to me and does line up with Scripture is your point that it was a covenant meal, whether it was the actual Passover or not. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Craig Whatley