Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers laws of the unclean person, the trial of the unfaithful wife, the laws concerning the Nazarite, and more.
It also deals with a very interesting ritual that was done in Israel that to this day is a mystery to the ancient writers of the bible. On my teaching the bitter waters I make the connections with Yeshua taking the penalty upon himself and standing up on behalf of the nation of Israel when He took part of the vinegar which is a type of bitter waters. The Ancient world and their rituals will give us a insight on this strange ritual of ancient Israel. Have you ever wonder why the devil the accuser of the believer must die and thrown into the lake of fire? Why do we need to be baptism so that we can be found innocent in the eyes of YHVH. By understanding this ancient ritual and the implications of judgments then we will get a deeper understanding of the judicial context of the book of Revelation.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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30 thoughts on “Torah Portion Naso Complete”
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So amazing! How can people deny Yashua is the Messiah after all this? Cuz not enough people know the Torah to be able to show the beauty and the reality of him being so.
Thanks Rico so much for this teaching, I’m half way through and I’m already blown away. May Yah continue to enrich you with his wisdom.
Rico, Did not know where to post this however; the “return” conference with Jim Staley kept my wife and I glued to the computer this weekend. The music, teaching from Brad, Jim and yourself was so good, rich and edifying. This mornings teaching on how to approach our King, Savior, Redeemer, Abba,…. wow, my hair is still blown back from that teaching. Thank you all so much and may Yahweh be praise!
I totally agree! Saturday evening the praise and worship was very moving and people were preparing their hearts and bodies – then when Rico taught about HOW to approach the King on Sunday morning – I could NOT stay in my seat – my whole body shaking and I had to drop to my knees in the aisle and bow before my King – weeping and shaking….I truly felt like I was entering into His presence!
~ blessings and shalom ~
Pam Staley
Strongs #3615: AHLB#: 1242-H (V)
Bride: The one added to the man to make him complete. [freq. 34] |kjv: daughter-in-law, bride, spouse| {str: 3618}
From H3634; a bride (as if perfect); hence a son’s wife: – bride, daughter-in-law, spouse.
A primitive root; to complete: – (make) perfect.
at the end of the second portion of teaching in this week’s parsha, Naso, you referred to Gen. 2:1 and that the word “finished” (kalah) meant “bride”. I do not find that to be the case in Strong’s #3615, however.
At the same time, I do see how the definitions given of “to complete, prepare, consume…finish, fulfill” etc. lend themselves to this thought. It is also interesting that “consume” is in there since He is consuming from the cup of judgement.
My question still remains, Rico, where did you get the definition of “bride?”
Respectfully and gratefully,
The Root word for Finish is Kalah which means bride
Thank you so very much rico. I always get so much from your teachings. Your idea of the two witnesses corresponds with mine.
Thank you Rico!!!
Rico Shalom. I was listen to you today as I was making Challah Bread for Shabbat and looked up and noticed the book laying beside you…..Jeff Benner’s “The Living Word”. I have had mine for 3 years now. Four years ago a couple who mentored us has a book ministry and Jeff’s books have been available to us. How blessed we are to have teachers like you, Brad, Eddie, Bill Cloud, Tony, Jeff et all. I would encourage your listeners/supporters to get this book. Presently I have 3 other books by Jeff. I particularly like “Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible”. Loved this teaching so very much. Excellent. So glad to hear S. Africa trip was good. Some of our little group w/be in St Louis w/you all. Be safe and Shalom
I just quickly went through Genesis 49 and came up with the following.
Reuben = First born
Simeon & Levi = Warriors (implements of destruction)
Levi = Priests
Judah = Lion
Zebulun = Haven for ships/harbor
Issachar = Suffering servant
Dan = Judge
Gad = Overcomes at last
Asher = Bread provider
Naphtali = Wandering teacher
Joseph = A tree whose branches run over the wall
Benjamin = Successful predator
Like I said, it was just a quick reading.
Cool 10tribe, I’m going to re-look at my notes on that…
Shalom Rico, I have a question from Bamidbar teaching last week, the names of the 12 sons of Jacob all have specific meanings…….have you considered a teaching on that and how Yeshua fufills each name’s meaning. He’s from the tribe of “Judah”, He sits on the right hand of power “Benjamin”, He is the Kohen Hagadol now “Levi”
can you add to this thought? The Bamidbar teaching got me thinking about the names. I think we’re going to find Him in all 12!
Shalom, Homer in Texas
THanks Rico ..As Im maturing,,, Im growing to appreciate you more and more and taking these studies very serious now….Thanks what you do you are impacting me more then anyone else ..Im coming around and convicted to send you blessings and support Pray I can soon. It is summer so people will buy the steaks….