Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the covenant renewal at Mt. Horeb, the assurance of God's fidelity, an exhortation to choose life, and Joshua's succession of Mosheh. It's basically the Restoration and Hope for Israel in the Dispersion.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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28 thoughts on “Torah Portion Nitzavim-Veyelech Complete”
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Shalom, Brother Rico! Great teaching, now 2 years later. Still gleaning from your teachings:)
Shanah Tovah, DeVora!
Shalom Ricco, welcome to Colorado!
Be refreshed! Can anyone call upon heaven and earth??? or just the ONE to whom they belong? Which makes Yeshua’s words very important and revealing when He says, “I call upon heaven and earth”. Those things Yeshua said we could not swear by; were the devoted to Elohim? Not ours to make oaths with; is that right?
Thank you so much Rico,
… for your gift of teaching, Adoni has given you-I can see the zealous position you are in-Amen!. Aslo it it is given to the Levit to teach forever:>). What a lesson thank you! What a great feast in learning all about Adoni. Adoni’s words echos in the book of Isaiah and Jerimiah and the rest of the prophets on the subject ot “repent and return” to stay in covenant. We need to take these words of Adoni seriously and of the coming Yom Kippur to pray for the nation of Israel, “for the House of Jacob”–Jew and Gentile believers. The coming out of Babylon is a serious, serious, ordeal. LET US PRAY !!
What beautiful mountains of Colorado!!–thank you brother Rico for sharing his wonderful word and the scenary of Colorado–the earth and heavens speak of him! Amen! { we also have family there in Colorado].
From Tracy calif //;>)
Glorious Shalom from YHWH! Wish I had a panoramic screen to soak in the beautiful mountainous backdrop of Colorado. What beauty this earth is, that Elohim designs:) DeVora Clark
Oh Rabbi, listening to the Parasha this Shabbat has brought my mom and me much peace and much hope for the land of Israel. Yes, our beautiful land of Israel is going through tough times right now but she is not alone because Adonai is with her. It was awesome hearing the wind blow so strongly during your sermon at just the time when you were reading the scriptures from Jer 32, as if the Spirit of Adonai was confirming that these scriptures still hold true for today. No one who believes in Adonai, Yeshua, Ruach HaKodesh, and Israel should fear that the Nations, incluiding America, are rising up against Israel for Adonia WILL see that Israel is victorious!!!!
Baruch HaShem Rabbi, thank you for your devotion to learn and teach us. As an American Jew believing in Our Yeshua as Messiah and Savior my mother and I humbly thank Adonai for Yolanda, the boys and you everyday.
Jackie and Margie Marinoff
Praise Yahoveh, Thank you for sharing , may Yahoveh Bless you Brother bill
Great teaching. Being raised orthodox and now walking with Yeshua for 20+ yrs, I certainly agree with you Rico. I submit only to “ONE” Rabbi; Rabbi Yeshua, the Living Torah. Baruch HaShem YHVH.
Also, loved the outdoor set. Very appropriate for Elul…”The King is in the field”…:)
Blessings to you and your family,
Elliot and Melody Blum
La Shana Tova
Thank you Rico and what a beautiful site.
Be blessed!!!
DITTO……Welcome to Colorado Rico.
Shabbat Shalom,
Jim near Parker, Colorado
I also say welcome to Colorado Rico, I live in Greeley, CO. What a wonderful commentary on Nitzvaim and Veyeilech, I so appreciated it; I gleaned so much from this and can’t wait to share with my Torah study next week. May YHVH richly bless you.
Welcome to Colorado, Rico.
Dan & Ellie, Golden, CO
Thank you so very much for this teaching, it was so very enlightening! Thank you for your diligence. I wished that we could have had a picture of where you were teaching
from but no picture this time.
May God continue to Bless you and your Family.