Torah Portion Noach Complete

Home » Torah Portion Noach Complete

Genesis 6:9 - 11:32

Isaiah 54:1 - 55:5

Noach WT

This Parashah covers the destruction of the world in the deluge and the restoration of the world following that event. Finding the legal fictions of the Ancient Near east in the story of the Flood. So, many types and shadows about messiah, covenant and covenant lawsuit that we are trying to understand in this story of Noach. Yah, establishes His Suzerainty on the Earth by making covenant with Noach and the earth. Our mandate is to become the faithful servants of the great king. We will investigate some additional Ancient Near Eastern Context to the literary structure of the Book of Genesis and why we see the 10 different sets of genealogies through out the book and the rest of Scripture.

This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.

  • 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
  • ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
  • Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
  • 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
  • Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah

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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

70 thoughts on “Torah Portion Noach Complete”

    1. Shalom Bshucart, in response to you post. Ryan wrote right above “I am recording at HRN this week but will be back on Friday and will add in the downloads by the end of this weekend. Thank you for your understanding. Shabbat Shalom, Ryan” Hope this answers your question. No, you are not doing anything wrong.
      Shabbat Shalom

  1. Shalom Rabbi Rico,
    I wanted to take a minute and thank you and all the volunteers working with WIT who put the weekly Parsha teachings all together in one place. What I am blessed to be able to do is go through each tab during the week so that I’ve absorbed all of the teachings. Going back to the beginning wakes up things a persons has learned over 4 years that may have been forgotten. So thank you for the many blessings I have received from Adonai putting the call on you and the others in each teaching here on WIT
    Baruch HaShem
    Jackie & Mom Marinoff (Las Vegas)

  2. Also this last Super Moon; is normally each year also referred to as the “Hunter’s Moon” this Torah mentions Nimrod the Mighty Hunter; and it was red (Essau)

  3. Ricco;

    I have Stone Eddition Chumash – look on page 44 in the Hebrew text – line 1 4th word from right to left – is Vav Yod Gimmel Dalid or Va Yee gad is word associated with sexual immorality – same word used for Ishmale and Issac; and for seeing Jacob and Rebecca I think it says playing

  4. I’ve noticed that this time of year in Colorado Aug-Sep; we have frequent double rainbows; and this is the time of the Supermoons; is when the moon is closest to the earth. The path of the moon is elipse in shape not circular. Is very exciting to be in Torah; so you can see the promise of the rainbow during the time we read Noah.

  5. boughtwithaprice

    Thank you Rico for giving me so much insight into this Parashat. It is also great to follow along with the book of Jasher for more insight. Shalom my teacher. May Yah bestow on you all the blessings he promised Shem through our Messiah Yeshua our soon coming King. And we all say Amen and Amen.

  6. Hi, Rico,
    Really learned from this teaching – thank you for all your efforts on our behalf and on behalf of the kingdom. May the Holy one command the blessing for you and establish all of the work of your hands.
    Shalom, shalom.

  7. Gracias Rico, no te imaginas cuanto gozo hay en mi espíritu, y cuanto nuestro PADRE DEL CIELO me esta hablando. El tener entendimiento que el Shabbat es el día en el cual EL se revela a nosotros me causa llanto de la emoción. Como testimonio te cuento q como mama sola asumí el reto en casa de obedecer en casa e ir contra la corriente de mi medio y aun de mi trabajo y Yahweh me ha respaldado. AMO ESTE DIA CON EL .
    Gracias amado hermano , aunque me veo caminando en contra de toda la corriente de la iglesia, de el mundo, de la sociedad, me siento gozosa de poder estar aprendiendo a caminar en SUS CAMINOS, amando su Ley y aprendiendo hasta a alimentar a mi familia acorde a sus instrucciones.
    Que Yahweh bendiga tu vida y te guarde en el nombre de su amado Hijo Yeshua
    Saludos del pueblo Latino ( BOLIVIA)

  8. Rico,

    SHALOM! I realize I write this while you are in Isra’el however, it may be a great opportunity to clarify Gen 9:3. The word “every” at the beginning of the verse is the same as what is used in Gen 7:2 in reference to the 7 pairs of each clean animal but not in reference to the 1 pair of each unclean, Strongs H3605. As far as I have been able to discern, this word(H3605) is in reference to clean food, plant & animal, that is used for sacrifice and plants/animals that YHVH meant for food(Lev 11). This word first appears in Gen 1 when speaking of cattle/animals that man is to subdue, to yoke and use for work.

    Strongs #3605: AHLB#: 1242-J (N)

    ac: Complete co: Vessel ab: Whole: The pictograph k is a picture of the bent palm representing the bending or subduing of the will, the l is a picture of a shepherd staff or yoke. Combined these mean “tame for the yoke”. An animal or land that is tamed has been worked and is complete and ready for use. Taming include; construction of holding pens, putting the soil to the plow, harvesting of crops, milk or meat. One eats once the harvest is complete. (eng: whole; cell; cellar)

    It must also be noted that the hidden/untranslated “Alef-Tav” appears in many, many, many, many, many of these verses! Coincidence?

    I am learning so much from your lessons on Temple service and understanding how food and sacrifice is so significantly connected has been is amazing. Everytime we put something into our bodies, we are feeding YHVH’s temple. It’s just amazing how HE began teaching this “from the beginning”.

    May YHVH continue to bless you & your family and keep HIS covering over you during your travels.

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