Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers blessings for obedience, curses for disobedience, not worshiping YHVH the way the nations worship their gods, updated instruction for slaughter of altar animals, warning not to allow anybody to lead you into the worship of other gods, laws concerning kashrut, laws concerning the sh'mita year, and updated instructions for the Passover.
Treason in the kingdom is something that we as the kingdom of YHVH must address from it's legal context. The Book of Deuteronomy is known by scholars to be written in the formula of an Ancient Treaty Format. Chapter 13 is an important chapter in reference to the penalty of treason and it's penalty.what are the consequences of in Israel? How do these laws apply to us now? What are the legal penalties of someone who tells us to keep the observance of Easter, Christmas and Sunday as holy days? What about all those teachers that tell us the Torah is done away with? Is that Treason? We are to stand up for the honor of the King and his commandments with complete loyalty (LOVE) and not allow anyone anymore to profane the integrity of our heavenly father and of His son Yeshua our Messiah and Master.
Lastly, we will also focus on the Temple aspect of this Torah Portion and connect the importance of separating the concept of Temple purity from the regular dinner table.
This posting includes multiple years of Torah portions done by Wisdom in Torah. This includes:
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- The Purity Texts by Hannah Harrington
62 thoughts on “Torah Portion Reeh Complete”
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I believe that Deu. 12:15 and Deu. 12:22 are not talking about clean and unclean meat, but the people that are clean and unclean may eat.
Please help me with the understanding.
See ya at Chandler,
Love, B&S
Shalom B&S!
Yes, that was something we were taught when we first came to the knowledge of Torah; it is referring to people:-)
We will be in Chandler too!
Shabbat Shalom!
I think this teaching exceeds even Rico’s capabilities!!! I so wish my “anti-Torah” people would just listen to this – it would explain so much. Hmmmmmmmmmm…….I think I have an idea………..
(I hope you take this the way I mean it – meaning – Someone Higher than Rico’s human capabilities had/has to be speaking through his mouth!! The way he explains some things in here, is so precisely accurate, I don’t think any human could “put it together” that precise!!) The words that came out, define that fine line between mainstream Christianity and Judaism, without demeaning either as throwing the baby out with the bath water!!
Elohem appears 26 times in Bereshet . 26 is the gemara of YHWH. Kind of cool I think.
Hey Klug,
I that is Gematria.
Yes, DUH!!!
Shabbat Shalom from South Africa! Thank you Rico for this teaching…i cannot wait each week for our Torah Portion…i am learning so much and my heart is dancing before YHVH our KING. His love for us is so awesome and overwhelming and His commandments are NOT burdensome, but because we love Him we willingly submit to Him through Yeshua our Messiah. We pray daily for you, your family and this ministry.
From one infidel to another, LOL, I don’t understand why people would want to celebrate passover by slaughtering a lamb anywhere, when Y’shua has plainly told us that his is the passover lamb. We are to celebrate Pesach in rememberance of Y’shua now as part of the new covenant and know that He is going to remove us from our modern day “Egypt”. We are to learn what it initially meant to keep Passover in the time before Y’shua so that we can understand what a great sacrifice He made for us today, but I believe that lamb slaughtering is no longer part of the requirement to keep the feast. If I am wrong, Rico, please correct me. (Love the hat.)
Is not required only because there is no temple, if there was a temple then we can bring the offering. What people do not understand is that bringing a lamb if the temple was working does not by any means devalue the work of redemption of Yeshua our messiah.
Glad you liked the hat
Rico, thanks for answering and I understand now where I was wrong. YHVY will always love sacrifices and the act of offering a sacrifice is very much pleasing to Him forever! I had an infidelic brain warp, LOL. But I have been studying on it and I get it! Thank you so much for your teachings which make me think and go to the Torah and Renewed Covenant to learn for myself. YHVH bless you always and I want you to know I am so looking forward to your coming teachings.
Thank you so much Rico.
When you said how much chaos we were in, I remember just reading about how YHVH wants us to be in harmony. Harmony does not mean we are all in the same note and yet we can all bring in our own melodies and still make a joyful sound unto the Lord… Like the stones He is using, we are not all alike yet fitly joined together. He is so good. Thank you for all the work you and your family do.
Thank you also for opening your hands to those in need – it’s good to know we can send offerings (or 3rd tithes) to you and that you and your wife extend those gifts outwards to those in need.
Re’eh References
eSword is a FREE bible software that includes Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Maps and more. Clint of Awakened Church . com distributes this download or you can have the cd. Even though it’s free, please consider an offering. Download or request for the disc can be made through this link http://awakenedchurch.com/
Here’s a tutorial page which also outlines in more detail what is included and how to get the disc directly (download is about 4 hours on high speed internet!) http://wisdomintorah.com/e-sword-tutorial-how-to-use-e-sword/
To see “Covenant of the Pieces” go to http://wisdomintorah.com/?s=pieces
To see the aerial view of YHVH in the land http://wisdomintorah.com/yhvh-satellite-view-with-google-earth-link/
I Love you Brother, don’t change nothen except what YHWH shows you!!
Herman Wright
hey Rico, i also look forward to your teachings, i find it enlightening. I’m still not a believer in tora or feasts, yet, but i do find it something to really meditate on and ask God about. One never can tell when the Spirit will convict.
looking forward to it!
ROFL-that hat is too funny! I havent listened to the teaching yet but I am sure it is great just like all the others.
Thank you so much for this Torah Portion. I always look expectantly for your teaching, knowing you will come with a different slant to the teaching than I have expected, therefore I learn even more what Adonai, my Master has for me to learn.
Iin this teaching you point out that we are not to slaughter the Pesach sacrifice anywhere except where Yaweh Elohim makes his Name to rest, blessed be He. How are we to celebrate Pesach then?
Please continue your teaching, I look forward to the next one.
Baruch HaShem
The numerical value of YHVH is what? 26, 26 times that elohim is used. Does YHVH rise above all names? His Word is deep! Who can comprehend it all?
Don’t change Chai Rico!
We understand how U feel and pray ur strength 2 not compromise on YHVH’s Word and stay strong. U have a gift and not many can present these Torah portions as u r able 2 challenge us 2 search out Scriptures. This is Life and time is short, so yes, we all need 2 take Adonai’s instructions seriously. We appreciated these teachings and encourage U in ur different teachings that U will b covering/sharing this coming yr. We gain so much in our Hebrew walk w/those wonderful insights that u r able to study out and present to us in glorifying Yah! We see YHVH loved us & that’s why we keep Torah, because we love Him. HalleluYah!
Shalom Mishpachah!