Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers blessings for obedience, curses for disobedience, not worshiping YHVH the way the nations worship their gods, updated instruction for slaughter of altar animals, warning not to allow anybody to lead you into the worship of other gods, laws concerning kashrut, laws concerning the sh'mita year, and updated instructions for the Passover.
Treason in the kingdom is something that we as the kingdom of YHVH must address from it's legal context. The Book of Deuteronomy is known by scholars to be written in the formula of an Ancient Treaty Format. Chapter 13 is an important chapter in reference to the penalty of treason and it's penalty.what are the consequences of in Israel? How do these laws apply to us now? What are the legal penalties of someone who tells us to keep the observance of Easter, Christmas and Sunday as holy days? What about all those teachers that tell us the Torah is done away with? Is that Treason? We are to stand up for the honor of the King and his commandments with complete loyalty (LOVE) and not allow anyone anymore to profane the integrity of our heavenly father and of His son Yeshua our Messiah and Master.
Lastly, we will also focus on the Temple aspect of this Torah Portion and connect the importance of separating the concept of Temple purity from the regular dinner table.
This posting includes multiple years of Torah portions done by Wisdom in Torah. This includes:
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- The Purity Texts by Hannah Harrington
62 thoughts on “Torah Portion Reeh Complete”
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Shabbat Shalom Everyone,
Thankyou to everyone who works & teaches at Wisdom in Torah!! We have many Safardic Jews in my community, most do not even know their heritage. I’m very grateful that I can direct them to Wisdom in Torah so they can learn & understand that Messiah came for us the “lost sheep of the house of Israel”. Keep up the good work!
May the Blessings of Abba be upon each & everyone of you as you work to spread H-s Torah:)
What a wonderful teaching today! I am so blessed to sit under your Torah teachings, and have grown, and continue to deepen my knowledge of YHWH. I was brought up Catholic, but my eyes have been opened to who I am as a child of YHWH following a Jewish Messiah, Y’Shua. Thank you for your thorough Torah teachings. You do not skimp on Scripture, and you shall be blessed for this. I learned about Temple praises from you, and your teaching inspired me to record melodies to Scripture, which I wanted to share with you, to bless the Malchut HaShamayim with the wonderful Word of YHWH. Shalom! http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/devoraclark15
Rico I’m so glad that you take the time that you to do explain things and I honestly get upset when your Torah portions are shorter. I can listen to them over and over again through the week so for me I like it when they are around 2hrs lot’sa learning to do 🙂 so please don’t ever appoligise for them being too long. I just don’t understand why one would when you can listen at anytime. Bless you for all you’ve done for us this past year and here’s to another one. We will be able to relisten to these ones again, if your not doing the Torah portions with whatever you have instore for us next right?
Shalom and Blessings
Hi Rico,
We were just listening to your Torah portion and as usual, we love your teaching and your enthusiastic heart for our Lord.
We noticed that in verse 15 and 22 of chapter 12 you mentioned that it is not talking about kodher and unkosher meat, but about the meat that is sacrificially clean and that which is not.
However, we think that in these two verses it is talking about the people who eat the meat, that is the Levites, who are sacrificially clean as well as those “common” people, who are not clean as far as Temple service is concerned. Both verses state that the unclean and clean alike may of it (the meat). We are reading from the CJB and the ESV.
Please explain your thoughts and why you think this is about the meat being fit for sacrifice or not.
Thanks for all your hard work and we look forward to your response.
Blessings to you and your family, Dave and Martina.
Yes that was something that I forget on the teaching. Thanks for mentioning that on the blog.
Rico thank you for your obedience to our Lord,you speak from your heart on all the dividing points,and how some little things become huge stumbling blocks. please keep teaching just the way you are. Last week you brought up Blessing YHWH after we eat,my wife and I had a long discussion on that nugget.We Love YHWH word and obey to show we love it. We love your teaching style. Shaloam
Thank you for another outstanding teaching, We continue to pray for you that Yahova continues to inspire you with wisdom, and HE continues to bless you and your household.
By the way, where can I get a cap like the one you have?
Shalom, The Rios Family, Yuma, AZ
P.S. where can I get a book holder like the one you have.
You can go to amazon for the cap and the book holder you can go to http://www.sefaradjudaica.com
Shabbat Shalom Rico and Wisdom in Torah brethren – May Yah richly bless you always!
Thank you for the wonderful teachings, Rico, you are a blessing to us.
The Conroys
Shabbat Shalom Rico,
Thank you and your family for faithfully teaching us each week. What a blessing you are!!
Just wanting some clarification on a simple point — Deut 12:15 and 12:22 both state that “the unclean and the clean alike may eat them.” Does this simply mean: the unclean person and the clean person alike may eat acceptable animals slaughtered with in your gates? And, since it is NOT the temple, people who are ritually unclean may also eat the meat. The instruction changes once the acceptable animal is slaughtered at the temple — only clean/ritually pure people may eat of it in that setting.
Thank you so much Rico
Thank you Rico especially for the haftorah this week.
I have been studding about the Flood mentioned in Rev. 12:15-16 and the Hail in Rev. 16:9. I know Yahweh protects His people but I am still concerned especially for my family and those of the brethren.
I am Very encouraged when Isa. 54:16 states…
Behold,I created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for His work; and I have created the water to destroy. AND
Isa. 54:17 .. no weapon that is formed (even by the serpent in Rev.12:15) shall prosper;…
Epically Isa. 54:13 (in that context) all thy children shall be taught of Yahweh; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
Rico..I look forward to the next year following you as you teach what ABBA Yah places before you.
Shalom brother,
Bill and Stephanie,
Yes you are correct, it is the cerimonially clean and unclean who do eat of it. We had to take a second look too.
Blessings and Shalom