Torah Portion Shoftim Complete

Home » Torah Portion Shoftim Complete

Deuteronomy 16:18 - 21:9

Isaiah 51:12 - 52:12


This Parashah covers the appointing of judges, the administration of justice, provision for the Levites, the forbidding of magic and witchcraft, establishing cities of refuge, laws concerning boundary markers and witnesses, the rules for warfare, and the expiation of unsolved murder.

This posting includes multiple years of Torah portions done by Wisdom in Torah. This includes:

  • The original 2010-2011 portions
  • The Ancient Near Eastern Text (ANET) portions
  • The 2013-2014 Torah Nugget
  • The 2014-2015 Torah Cycle
  • Brit Portion
  • This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.

    • 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
    • ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
    • Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
    • 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
    • Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah

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    The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:

    • More resources coming soon...

    Rico Cortes

    I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

    39 thoughts on “Torah Portion Shoftim Complete”

    1. The early ‘christians’ may have law baised on Hebrew law; but they brought their pagan god practices with them. USA was never intended forever; was a safe haven for the Jewish and Ephraim; up until 9-11; and a muslim pretender president.

    2. If there was in each congregation/group a beis din; the most you could establish is halach, and write it down for congregants. That’ all In order to enforce, any law you must have muscle, strength behind it; out US, Fed, STate, City would not allow. You can get a lawsuit simply for asking someone to leave due to highly immodest dress. That’s what makes it impossible. No one wants to have their time or resources dimished over barren breasts. Nor should they; not important enough to loose a large ministry over that. We simply have no power to enforce.

    3. We have always wondered what messiah wrote in the sand and I believe Yehovah has reveiled in His word what that was
      Jer 17:13 O יהוה, the expectation of Yisra’ĕl, all who forsake You are put to shame. “Those who depart from Me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken יהוה, the fountain of living waters.

    4. Shalom Awkh Rico

      I really enjoyed this teaching. What you said is so true, if we had places of judgement set up things would go much better. For some reason many in this movement (in America) think of leadership as a church thing, which is not true. After the meeting in Branson we had another splite here in western AR. These hender the work other organizations are false and reject Torah but they do many things to help other because of the unity. But I know it will happen, one day we will grow into maturity. Then the King Yahshua will teach us and show us how it’s done.

      Todah, my Awhk for all the tov work

        1. Rico, my wife and I thoroughly enjoy your teaching…especially this one on Shoftim! You mention a powerpoint presentation that we could download, but I can’t find it anywhere. An earlier comment also asked for it, but I don’t see a reference to find it. Please let us all know how to get it. Thanks, and keep up the GREAT work!!!

    5. Could another reason why the ones who brought the woman caught in adultery were “wrong”, is because the qualifications for a leader was to be blameless and they weren’t. Not that you have to be perfect – because only One was, but they needed to be blameless according to Torah, meaning, repentant. (In reference to when He said “you who are without sin cast the first stone”.)
      Really enjoyed this teaching, as usual! Comes at a perfect “for such a time as this” in this season of Teshuvah, in returning to His Love, His Gift, His Torah.

    6. Thanks for your time and effort to help bring us to the mindset to be servents for our King! This teaching opended up the flood gates to some things I have been studying. Also wanted to let you know what a blessing your teaching on the Amidah prayers have been to our mens bible study.

      From the people at River Of Life Tabernacle, we love you and may our Abba bless you!

    7. I greatly apperciate all the time and effort you put into each of your studies. I have greatly learned from you and I myself have been puting in about 15 hr a week in study with you each week as well as prepare to teach a single student. I’ve learned so much. I am so happy to finally understand how the prayers are to be done. I have had two Siddurs but haven’t known how to do anything other that the Shabbat morning service and the night time prayers so again thank you.

    8. Thankyou for all your effort and love you put into your Torah portions. I am also a Torah teacher in Cape Town South Africa. Our congregation attended your last visit and were impressed and blessed.
      I also have a blog – maybe you can have a look and tell me what you think.
      I dont have the privilege as you do to be a levite, I think I come from from the tribe of crocidile dundee – so I am just an ex gentiles who has no idea where I have come from, but we love the Torah as you do.
      I had the privelege of staying in Israel for almost a year, a long time ago, I was a shepherd looking after 500 sheep, it was a wonderful experience

      Good shabbas
      Ray Crowther

      1. Praise Yah that in His kingdom we are all the same status and get the same blessings and I am so happy that YHVH is giving you a honor to teach His people there in Beautiful Cape town I love it there. Maybe next time we can get to know one another better. Anything that I can help you with the studies I am willing to share with you my brother, Just please teach them to always be servants of the our creator. I am glad that your congregation enjoyed my last visit to south africa. I really enjoyed going back there. stay in touch

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