Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers Yitro's advice to Mosheh on creating leadership in the camp, Israel reaching Mount Sinai, and the giving of the ten words (10 Commandments). In my Opinion the most Important portion in the Torah. This is the day of the encounter with our maker and the day of betrothal. This day the Torah was giving to our People as the bill of rights and declaration of independence from the Slave mentality. Learn how it was the MEMRA of YAH that gave the wonderful words of the Torah (Heart) of YHVH. My passion is the Torah of our King and I decided to try and share with you as much as I can. I just love to study the Mitzvots (commandments) that are found in every torah portion, explain, search context, and learn the Heart of our Creator, it's just incredible.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- Mount Sinai Slides PDF Download
42 thoughts on “Torah Portion Yitro Complete”
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Great Torah Parashah for my 13 year old. He is wanting to ignore the teachings on Shabbat and go his way. I am having some trouble with him and I pray YAH will help me in this walk and teaching my children. Rico, you are a HUGE help to us. Prayers to you in your studies, you have a very tenor voice as well when singing the Aaronic Blessing.
When I first heard this sung by you a few years back… it woke me up. Chills covered me from head to toe and I never heard anything like it and it gave me a fire in my belly for Truth in HIS Word.
Greetings Rico, If you mention his name in the second hour of this portion, please forgive me because I haven’t listened yet. I have been listening to the first part of this portion and heard you mention an author of another fella , but you could not find his booklet to give his name. Was it Eric Bissel that you were thinking of who teaches paleo?
Thank you so much for the time you put into these! What a blessing… The Power points are SoOOOOO Wonderful, being a visual learner myself, I truly enjoy having something to view as you are teaching on them. Because of your weekly shabbat teachings I have come to REALLY look forward to Shabbat THAT MUCH MORE!! WE are just learning the Hebrew roots, and just learning how to be Torah observant. So your teachings are helping build us up, and prepare us to bring this truth to others! Again your teachings really make Shabbat that much more of a treasure!
I am so happy that this blog is a blessing to you and I pray that Yah will continue to bless you and your family
Thanks Rico for your teachings on the Torah – – and most of all for your sincerity and enthusiasm. Whenever I feel discouraged durihg the days I remember your zeal and love for Him and for His Torah–and I agree in my spirit—and get ENcouraged!
Shabbat Shalom,
Another great teaching, Rico. My wife and I were discussing the point you made about the number 611. Didn’t you mention on a previous portion that you and Brad Scott had searched the Torah and found 611 places of the aleph tav? Coincidence…?
Also, concerning 8+1+1 = New beginnings and resurrection: The Hebrew for truth = “emeit”, can also be referred to mean “aleph” (alluding to G-d, revives) “meit” (the dead). Just another one of those “coincidences” :)…
BTW, it was a pleasure to break bread and midrash a little with you at The Vine.
Elliot and Melody
SHalom how are you? It was really nice to talk a little and Yes Brad did find the ALef Tav 611 time standing by itself in the Tenach. NO coinkidinky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for tying together teaching in the “new testament” with the “old testament”…you really aren’t taught that everything disciples, Yeshua and Paul were saying were quoting or explaining scripture…You would think that would be obvious but not being taught that…you just think it is new stuff. Thanks for bringing that out.
Also…thanks for giving the Hebrew/Rabbinic interpretation of the “ten” commandments…when seeing them as presented in this Torah Portion…it is so obvious we fall short…the way we were taught…in church circles…we felt pretty good…with the real interpretation…wow…all have sinned…fallen short…really short!
Thanks again.
Rico, your teachings are awesome and your passion shines through, I really enjoy them, there fun and informative. Thanks sooo much, Dave
Thank you Rico for doing this each week……….:) I love your teachings almost as most as I do the Torah……….:D
Another wonderful teaching. The power points are also very helpful. Thank you so much. Shabbat Shalom…
Thank you Rico for all your hard work!
Shalom! I enjoyed the teaching of this weeks Torah portion.
shalom rico where can i download power point for yitro parasha?
Right above the Video there is a link name Mount Sinai Slides.