Torah Service at Revive

Don't Forget to
Torah Service from Revive conference!
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13 thoughts on “Torah Service at Revive”
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For anyone interested in a home Shabbat service you can contact Jeremiah Greenberg He is the director of Messianic Liturgical Resources P.O. box 342083, Tampa, Fl 33694 or 813-792-7252 He has the service that you can purchase. His email is
Jeremiah is a friend and he does a great job putting siddurim together so that the body of Messiah can learn how to pray together
Blessings Rico,
I forwarded this service to my sister’s Sunday School teacher. He LOVED it!! He’s passing it to others in his class!!! To view this on the computer doesn’t come close to being there and feeling YHVH presense!!! I highly recommend coming to the next Revive 2016 to worship and celebrate our King!!!!
Love you brother!!
Magnificent, Rico! Thank you.
–Sher Zieve
Rico, I know you are extremely busy but I would love to see an interactive video of a Ttorah service that we could do in our homes/fellowship. Like you do the chanting, we do our parts, etc. There’s no way some of us could read the Hebrew or follow along with the power points. Just a thought for the future.
rico, i know you are extremely busy, but i would love to see an interactive video that we at home could participate in a torah service. Maybe you do the chant, and we do our part, etc.
sorry about this i didn’t think it posted, please remove this post.
Rico, this is the best worship Sabbath service I have ever seen and heard. You make a great worship leader. Thank you for doing this last year. I wished we could have gone there. You should consider making an audio CD of your Hebrew chants.
thanks so much and I am honored to do it and I am glad you are bless.
No words to describe this blessing! Thank you! Blessed and exalted be our
Shalom Rico…this is such a blessing….is there any chance we could have the prayers that were said so we can do them when we watch this video. I would love to share it at out Sabbath but they wont be able to follow along….Can you help us. Please Rico
sure, email me and I will send you the power point
Shalom Rico; Praise Adonai always, this service was absolutely wonderful. Thank you. I ask the same thing that others ask is for power point to be available so that we can follow along.