Don't Forget to
2 Maccabees 10
The Rededication of the Temple
10 Judas Maccabeus and his followers, under the leadership of the Lord, recaptured the Temple and the city of Jerusalem. 2 They tore down the altars which foreigners had set up in the marketplace and destroyed the other places of worship that had been built.
3 They purified the Temple and built a new altar. Then, with new fire started by striking flint, they offered sacrifice for the first time in two years, burned incense, lighted the lamps, and set out the sacred loaves.
4 After they had done all this, they lay face down on the ground and prayed that the Lord would never again let such disasters strike them. They begged him to be merciful when he punished them for future sins and not hand them over any more to barbaric, pagan Gentiles.
5 They rededicated the Temple on the twenty-fifth day of the month of Kislev, the same day of the same month on which the Temple had been desecrated by the Gentiles.
6 The happy celebration lasted eight days, like the Festival of Shelters, and the people remembered how only a short time before, they had spent the Festival of Shelters wandering like wild animals in the mountains and living in caves.
7 But now, carrying green palm branches and sticks decorated with ivy, they paraded around, singing grateful praises to him who had brought about the purification of his own Temple.
8 Everyone agreed that the entire Jewish nation should celebrate this festival each year.
From the Dedication of the Altar celebration the verse above tells us that Chanukkah become a National Holiday.
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7 thoughts on “Chanukah Teaching”
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Brother Rico – thank you for this concise and excellent teaching on Chanukkah. We missed it back when it was first posted, but came upon it via your FB post last month. Is there a link that we can (as full members) download this teaching? Additionally, I am no longer finding a link to contact Victor for technical website issues. Thank you for your help with this. Yah be with you and bless you and yours as you faithfully and truthfully ministry to us.
Wonderful teaching! I hope you’ll make it available in video or audio format soon!
Thank you brother Rico for all of the wonderful teachings you post. I am currently on Hiatus from
any fellowship precisely because of all the differences between one and another. It just grieves my
heart. May the Ruach help us all!
Love this teaching! Thank you for all you do!
Will this ever be available in video format or at least audio? Would love to save this for those times I don’t have the internet at peope’s house, I can keep it stored on my SD card..
Very great video. I practice Orthodoxy, so to me, I don’t see how people are so hostile all the time.. There truly, is a war being raged…
Shalom, my brother, Rebbe Rico.
Yes, I will make it available in the near future.
thanks and I am glad you liked it.
I will be watching this and re-posting it. I am heartbroken over the division in my own fellowship. Joe Good, Diana Dye, Jim Staley and now you have helped us to see. There is more to say for me, but I am saying it to Abba for He knows the grievous denials that come out during feasts, celebrations etc. Thanks for doing this!!!!