Don't Forget to
Paul tells us we are "no longer under the law but under grace", that we are not justified by "works of the law" but by "faith", that we are not justified by circumcision. Yet at other times he boasts of how great the law is...Is Paul schizophrenic or are we misunderstanding the context of what Paul is saying?
In this series, which is part of the Rediscovering Romans series, we will look at the historical evidence of Paul's arguments to show that Paul knew what he was saying and that he was actually promoting a full understanding of the Torah; granting citizenship to those who are adopted through faith.
If you are interested in your identity in Messiah Yeshua, this teaching is for you!
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- The Beginnings of Jewishness by Cohen
- Paul Within Judaism by Nanos
- In the Shadow of the Temple by Skarsaune
12 thoughts on “Citizens of the Kingdom”
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Any timeframe on when parts 5 & 6 will be completed? Thanks so much.
–Sher Zieve
Should be this week. I have the new computer but still having a few issues getting everything working properly. I started to record on Friday but the recording program crashed out 15 minutes into it.
Excellent. Thanks, again.
I just got done with parts 1&2 of this series and the Romans teaching, and I remembered you mentioning Paul’s rebuke of Peter in Gal.2:11-16.
This account never set well with me as Simon Peter (Kefa Heb./Cephas Gr.) in Acts 10 was shown by Elohim that he should not call any man common or unclean. Why would he years later disobey that when he was so bold to first oppose the Shammai/Pharisaic Edicts.
I just found this gem that sets the record straight from the “church father” Eusebius of Caesarea (CE 260/265 – 339/340) E-Sword reference library – Eusebius-Early_Church_History_Vol._00_Introduction, Chapter 12 The Disciples of our Saviour. (recognized historical writing)
2. They say that Sosthenes also, who wrote to the Corinthians with Paul, was one of them. This is the account of Clement in the fifth book of his Hypotyposes, in which he also says that Cephas was one of the seventy disciples, a man who bore the same name as the apostle Peter, and the one concerning whom Paul says, “When Cephas came to Antioch I withstood him to his face.”Gal_2:11”
So the Peter that Paul rebuked was not Simon Peter the Apostle, but one of the seventy.
Also, Galatians 2:16 is one of the places where the phrase “works of Torah” appears. I have heard that Orthodox Rabbinic Judaism calls the Oral Torah by the same term. Do you have any information on this?
Thank You for your hard work.
Thanks for the info!
Dear John Hawkins
Thank you for the info regarding Peter. I also see the problem that Peter who had the vision could surely not be the same Peter whom Paul confronted in Gal.2. I found the writings of Eusebius and read it for myself but I can’t find the writing of Clement where he confirms that it is Peter from the seventy. Can you help me with a link please?
Thank you
All of us must have our eyes opened by the Father, none of us are exempt. And He is en-charge of when and how much; do we really think our eyes are completely opened at this time? That’s arrogance –
In now way do I implly our very fine teachers here are arrogant, they’e worked very hrd to share with us all they have. Just not let us assume our eyes are fully opened; we are till a work in progress.
None of us are as our ancestors, none of us like days of Moses. We can follow the teachings of Moses as through Yeshua.
I read from Ephesians that Paul said, “you have full rights of the kingdom” – like so what??? what good did “rights of the kingdom” benefit either those slaughtere in Judea, or those in the dispora? Really?? think about it, they we re all sent to gather the lost sheep of Israel and all slaughtere,why did Yeshua send them on a failed mission?
There are some who are teaching that when the covenant was broken at Mr. Sinai; YHVY had the right to slaughter us all, that Moses plead with Him to mitigate out punishment, and that’s when we were given the Book of the Law, which was placed outside the ark; which contiained the Book of the Covenant. That after Yeshua offered up, we are no long under the Law, that is The Book of the Law, we are free to the Original covenant; thrugh Malkizadok priest hood of Yeshua. That the Levites ended with JOhn, and Malkezadok priest hood is for now. That the Book of the Law; was the school master or guide until Messiah Yeshua came. Which means “no levitical blessing”? What is? The Blessing of Shem, wine and bread.
I’m thoroughly enjoying this series. When will Part 3 and others be avaialble? Thanks so much!
–Sher Zieve
Hi Sher,
I’m glad you’re enjoying the series!!! I am posting parts 3 & 4 now and it will probably be about 2 weeks before I can get 5 & 6 recorded because my computer broke and I had to order a new one before leaving for Israel.