Don't Forget to
Isaiah 53 is one of the most important prophecies in the Hebrew Bible for followers of Yeshua and has been the subject of countless debates between followers of Yeshua and those in the system of Judaism. Many of the debates have focused entirely around the identity of the suffering servant and whether or not this passage details the death and resurrection of this servant of YHWH.
In this series, we are going to take a different approach and will be looking at the passage from the aspects of honor and shame culture, justice and righteousness, patronage, and the concept of the "Leper Messiah". When we understand these underlying themes in Scripture, we will gain a much deeper understanding of the work of Messiah as prophesied in Isaiah's suffering servant song as well as how the passage also relates to the suffering of corporate Israel and our very own lives today.
This is a 12.5 hour series recorded for Hebraic Roots Network. I will be posting approximately 2 hours of video each week until the entire series is posted. I pray that you enjoy the teaching!
Here is a breakdown of the parts of the series:
- Part 1 - Honor and Shame in Scripture (3.5 hours)
- Part 2 - Justice and Righteousness (3 hours)
- Part 3 - Yeshua Our Patron (2 hours)
- Part 4 - The Leper Messiah (3 hours)
- Part 5 - Understanding Isaiah 53 (1 hour)
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- See more at FaithofMessiah.com
10 thoughts on “Gospel of the Suffering Servant Complete”
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Wow!!! Ryan, my teen daughter and I just finished your teachings on righteousness and justice and we both agree the Torah came to life for us like never before 🙂 I want Ezek. 18 to be my daily bucket list I do again and again now that I understand how we live as His vessels being our brother’s keeper more than I already had. What a gift the Torah is to us 🙂 How it protects us and each other when we understand what Paul meant by the Spirit of the law as well as the letter of the law working together and that the weightier matters are what He desires of us. Thank you for teaching about our wonderful Elohim of justice and righteousness as well as mercy and compassion. Soooo beautiful that it’s all about restoring relationships 🙂 They know we are His disciples by the love we have for one another 🙂
Learned soooo much, and I’m even more in love with my Messiah more than ever 🙂 Wow!! Can’t wait to hear the next part.
Isiah 53 debates between Jewish and Christians are like beating a dead horse. Why” Because debates are a greek form of theatre, orators. People come and listen to cheer their guy on, what is the object, competition for who explained their position best. Avoid debates. Is a trap
Hebraic studies are at a desk, bottle of wine and loaf of bread, searching together from may resources for truths. We are not trying to defend a position.
A trap for Christian Jewish debate is: we say it the suffering servant, Israel? or Yeshua or another specialed group of people/ And Hebriac thought is why not all three? There are 3 HaShem, The Covenant and the Pejople; there aer not all separate they are to be ONE Echad. Another 3, Cohens, Levites and Israel; they are Echad, so we also see the Sekniah left the Temple in the excile; where? with Israel; He is to return with Israel. where can I go from your Presense? If I am in Sheol You are there, if in the Heavens You are there.
Jewish Christian debates will never be little value. Why? About maintianing a “religion”. It is not Kingdom governed by a Covenant view, is not about His Nation; but about “religion” wrong road to travel.
Shalom Dr. Mordechai Kedar Helps people understand the middle east conflict , by teaching Honour and shame and how it impacts the thinking of the different muslim tribes. check it out Great teaching , Keep up the Good work and Thank You
Thanks! Checking it out right now
I really love the honor and shame teaching. Is there going to be a class on deSilva’s book? I thought someone referred to a chapter by chapter class, but I may be mistaken. Thanks.
Rico maybe planning that for the Yeshiva website.
Wow ! Wow Wow! Too much, good job. Show us your family some day, please. Especially little boys.
Great teachings. Will be watching for #3.