How Do We Keep Yom Kippur?

amos 5-24_905

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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:

Ryan White

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19 thoughts on “How Do We Keep Yom Kippur?”

  1. The three of you are very gifted researchers and teachers. When you step out of your purpose and gifting; and get on your soap boxes of different groups, what they “fight” about; I think you do yourselves an injustice who wants or needs to hear it??? is it close to lashan hara of another sort?? It certainly is a waste of your breathe and time; and gift. I really encourage you all to stay on task; Yeshua did not tell us to try and unscrable all the “so called fighting” Please just stay out of the mess and teach. Keep giving out the resources; encouraging people to ‘search out for themselves”.

  2. O So happy for you and your Family on the birth of your fourth son… This teaching is a word in due season for the Body of Messiah … Really pray that we all learn to Matt 25 – 40 more this year …

  3. Gene and Cassie Conroy

    Dear Ryan …….Congratulations to you & your wife & your entire family on your baby son πŸ™‚ what a joyful blessing!!!
    And thank you as always for your dedication & faithfulness to the teaching work that you do. Gene & I have been rather limited the last few months by our internet provider (living in a mountainous forested area) and so we have missed out on many of the teachings you all have been posting. Hopefully we’ll get our system straightened out & be able to catch up πŸ™‚ We are very grateful & pray very often that the fruit of our labors will be blessed & increased by our King YaHuWaH in order that we can give more to support the work that you all do faithfully in His service. After all we are family in Messiah Yahushua & look forward to many years getting to know each other & serve with each other in His Kingdom πŸ™‚
    Brachot v’ahava v’Shalom dear brother from the Conroys

    1. Hi/Shalom I just wanted to offer this on how to make Shabbat a delight- for teens- I have found that whatever the age- most of what they want is attention/ quality time with each other- and this is so awesome on shabbat- as we are not distracted by tech – or bizzy πŸ™‚ we even take the time to spend with our pets- give each one very special hugs – treats etc- Pray this is a blessing – and this is Arle Masters ( Beau’s Mom ) πŸ™‚

  4. Ryan, I so appreciate the merciful and common sense approach that you bring to all your teachings. I have to say one thing about both you and Rico, even when I disagree with you (and I didn’t disagree with anything on this one), I agree with your representation of the character of our King — and therefore even when I disagree I agree. Shabbat Shalom!

  5. There was in Eqypt a new Pharoh who didn’t know Joseph. That is this new guy was not part of the previous dynasty; he was not in covenant;most likely he conquored, therefore; this Pharough by the “international law of the day” was to release captives, prisoners, slaves – he did not and YHVH then was able to deliver the children of Israel.

  6. The different styles of dress among Jewish is related to where their ancestors came from, Polish have one, Russian Jews another, is a cultural expression of where they were in excile; young American’s have some pretty stupid looking dress as well; and doesn’t nearly have as much connection as some Jewish orthodox. It would also appear as a style of a particular era; it was a distinquishing mark for some living among gentiles; they were not to be like the gentiles; if gentiles would wear predomineately white shirts, black hats, suits; they’d wear purple.Morocan Jewis dress and eat different than NY Jews.

  7. Amen Brother! Love defines us. If we can’t love our neighbor, it is because we don’t love ourselves. If I don’t love me, who I am – a new person because of Messiah’s Great Love in laying down His Life for me, then I cannot love my neighbor and ultimately my “love” for ABBA is useless, empty, and just like ABBA’s justified complaint in Isaiah (and everywhere else He speaks clearly in His Written Word).

    Thanks for this great exhortation leading into this year’s rehearsal for the Great Yom Kippur to come!

    Shalom! : )

    Laureen Zisa

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